Draper's Cabin

Her face was bruised but largely left unblemished otherwise as if to preserve that cursed beauty that the poor thing possessed at her age.

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Lemurian religions

It is currently regaining popularity due to its libertine attitudes towards the environment, sexuality and gender roles, preserving lemurian culture in the face oc colonialism while eing exapted for the modern world.

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Alas Poor Coyote

She was not getting younger for sure, but today she felt particularly like a fossil, entombed in her house, preserved as the rest of echo decays.

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You're unlikely to choose the alternative as you are not insane so your self-preservation function is working properly. not all decisions in life are easy. i think this one is though." "fine then, i choose life." "good."


Shadows Returning: Preface (Reboot!)

Throughout his youth he was plagued by rage and pain, which preserved themselves in form of a powerful demon which came to be named "nivek". nivek would gain control of the body in times of extreme stress or weakness.

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An Island Called Home - Chapter Two

"two barrels of water, one crate of busciuts, six jars of preserves, two crates of salt-meat." "check." "four rifles, one machine gun." "check." "one large tarp, four oars, three coils of rope." "check."

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What are Candus pt. 2: Origins

She soon took fate into her own hands, devising a plan to preserve her species from genocide.

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The Zootopian Experiment Chapter 13

He might know of some ways to speed up the process, and preserve their identity." me and nick hanged out for a few more hours. i also got to speak to john and michael, for a little bit.


Mesozoic Park (part 3)

I reached for one of my amber samples "only absolutely perfect conditions will permit this" i said "from the insect preserved in this amber, we will extract dinosaur dna and use it to clone dinosaurs" i paused for a moment "are you on my side?"

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The Black-Feathered Monk 11

"and is this preservation of your food-source, again?" silra snorted, shaking her head. without a word, she started making her way further up-slope.

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Mega Pleased

We are a... preservation group, you could say. we are mostly researchers and conservationists inspired by how abrupt and unfair the extinction of the dinosaurs was, and are working to try and undo some of that.

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"when we experience moments of stress...our head...it goes into a kind of shut down, sometimes...like self-preservation. this is different for everyone, for some furs, they'd lash out, to stop that hurt they're feeling.

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