The Last Mission.

He managed to get to the helicopter and saw only everyone inside had also been killed, though the commander entered regardless, and sat in his seat, he closed the doors and waited, as he sat there he was bleeding out, though he just sat there, waiting to go

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Chapter Four The Untrue Memories

My mother however had multiple bite marks and was bleeding out even though she was already dead. i eventually called the police and reported that dogs had broken into the house and killed my mother.

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The world expands ch.6 - secrets, anger and tears

I slammed against the door, it let out a loud creak as a chunk of it broke off i reached through and grabbed him by the shirt with my teeth and whipped him out of the room, my teeth drew a bit of blood out of his back when they rubbed against it and latched

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The Night Shift1.txt

Itl be a pain to wash the blood out of his black fur. luckily, his white chest fur didn get dripped. how i manage to keep my chest clean was sheer dumb luck, he thought.

RR'D: Kenashi O

Min was critically wounded, the bullet manage to pierce his aortic artery, he was bleeding out, badly, kenashi came to his dying father and listened to his final words, "ken, live a loving life, hate never leads to anything but misery".

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the horror story of the shapeshifter

A gaint wolf ponces on rick biting into his arm the sharp teath cringing hard onto the weasles arm riping it off and chewing off the meat as rick screamed in massive pain bleeding out.

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Tail - Chapter 22

He's there, lying on his bed, bleeding out. i think he might be dead. every time i close my eyes he's there. i open my eyes and there he is. in my arms. bleeding. bled. dying. dead. forever, eternally. loop after loop after loop.

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The Explorer's Lament *TEST/Critique requested*

I spend my final minutes bleeding out... all the others blessed with a quick, merciful death... and yet i lie here. my sword dulled by blood, my magic drained by exhausting. i guess it's just me and death... and this statue.

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Charr-Broiled or Pan-Fried

It was uncomfortable, but it would keep him from bleeding out. he prepared to use his fire to cauterize the remaining stump of his cock and to use his field cooking equipment to get his dick to a state of edibility.

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The Guardians Shadow ch11

More laughter as she started to leak her clear blood out of her mouth. "well you are the one who's bleeding out of the mouth, wreathing on the forest floor, and about to die. then i'd say, yes i think we've won." said the renamon. "how naã¯ve."

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The Tales of Sorath (part six)

"when delilah gets back tell her that me and bill are in our rooms getting the blood out of our fur, okay zach?" "okay." he said as he watched them walk into the building and leaving him alone outside.

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The fittest

I'm bleeding out for you! so i bare my skin and i count my sins and i close my eyes and i take it inn! i'm bleeeeding out i'm bleeding out... for you!" i looked over at her and she started to blush a bit. i smiled " don't like that one?" i asked " no no!
