Miss Marybelle's Home for Wayward Drones

The witch looked skeptical. The bear tapped the end of the cigarette holder against her cheeks as she thought, staring out into the distance. Each tap was timed with the tick of the grandfather clock that stood behind her. "Just for... a weekend?" ...

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Circles: a retrospective review

When I cracked the spine of _Circles_ and began to read, the first impression it left me with was one of a story dislodged in time. I know when it was published and yet when I try to square that timeframe with the story itself, something doesn't click....



_"It was like a train wreck. I couldn't look away." Every time someone says that, I remember the one time I did see a wreck._ _It was a quiet morning, out in the countryside. Some old rabbit had stalled out her even older jalopy on the tracks. She...


Creative Cosplay

"Tickets to Comic-Con tomorrow!" The black fox squealed in delight at the contents of the present in her lap and sprang out of her seat into the arms of the big maned wolf on the other end of the couch. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" "Breathe,...

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More Hypno-shorts

Redo Kylie sat at the kitchen counter, with her short lynx tail twitching and the claw of her pinky finger teasing hungrily along her smiling lips. She had heard the sound of the garage door opening and closing and her ears were carefully...

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The Dark blog #1: What does Sofawolf look for in a story?

I've toyed with the idea of doing a writing blog several times. I keep putting it off because I think, "Why does what _I_ say matter to anyone?" Kyell Gold, after all, writes about writing, more frequently, more eloquently, and to a more diverse...

The Weaver's Web

Firewing was a streak of bright orange against the inky black sky. As she flew, the collie kept her head tilted towards the tiny earpiece, tuned in to the local police scanner. Normally the reports coming in were crystal clear. A robbery on Vine....

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Re-induction: Subject 2

Dr. Remi'ke bid his last patient of the afternoon goodbye. The vixen had the usual look of those who had just experienced their first dose of his therapy: a slightly glazed-over look of blissful happiness mixed with a bit of mild surprise at the late...

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"Dr. Remi'ke!" The tiger burst into the office with a bit of a stumble as his tongue twisted around the click in the name. He shook his head and tried to focus on the important thing here. Dr. Remi'ke was an orca, wearing a pure white lab coat and...

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Power of the Sea

Rudy loved people-watching. The town of Turtle Beach was small enough to avoid the big luxury hotels and massive crowds that came with them, but was also big enough to bring in its unique mix of eclectic visitors. You would see species there you...

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A trick of the light

Majorra flicked away the embered stub of her last cigarette and collapsed into the dockside hammock. Despite willing every muscle in her body to relax, the wolf girl fidgeted, unable to get comfortable. It made no sense. This was supposed to be the...

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Where spatulas and pocket-watches meet

Nothing really happened that day until she started whisking. That morning, Charlene had received a text from her husband, the usual, "Have a good time at work. Oh, and there's a surprise for you today! ;)" The gazelle got the same message once every...

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