Forbidden Love - Chapter Six - Finale - WritingGroupChallenge -

As she stood there, the others of her herd bowed their heads and walked away, reality settling on eilidh's shoulders like the first snow of winter.

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The Path Less Traveled, Part 1

The past few days had been cold and bleak, and near the end of last seed we'd seen our first snow fall since last year. now though, as i walked over the bridge to the far tower, i didn't think it would snow soon.


Freud Didnt Just Invent the Oedipus Complex

The first snow of the winter had fallen the day before, and even now as the sun began to set only a third of the frozen precipitation had melted away.

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Not once in my five short years had i been unable to play out in the first snow of fauhst. well there's a first time for everything right? anyways, my parents had locked me up for long enough!

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With the first snow already fallen and partially melted i'd set out with my bow and three trusty arrows. already two days into the hunt and not even a hare had i seen the markings of.

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Shared Blood - Act 2

Winter had been threatening its first snow for days now and the hybrid felt that the time had come.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 44

"i actually remember my first snow when i was seven years of age. i ran around and rolled in it when i found the ground covered with snow that morning. i ended up catching a minor chill afterwards, though." "seven years? how old is that in kalendas?"

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 57

Though the first snow seems to have come early this year..." jet said, turning on the large fireplace in the slave quarters. the hearth was loaded with wood pellets via automated dispensers, and lit with a self-starting spark mechanism.

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Regrettable Circumstances: Ep.2 Pt.2

The first snow-flakes were beginning to fall now. "are you kidding me?" leon said. "shit." "what?" asked keith. "it snows up here don't it?" yeah. it's the mountains, remember?" they rode the rest of the way without much more conversation.

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Lost and Found Pt.4

At first snow had doubted coal, but those doubts were quickly steamrolled when, after hearing of coals change of heart, the rest of his group tracked them both down to kill them. coal left none alive. they fled from that place and wound up in this cave.

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Anum Chaos – Question from my Mind Chapter 1-3

A normal day for this time, in which the most people waiting now for the first snow. let us go deeper in the city.

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December 5th- the first snow. it almost hid the decay of my city... almost. as the white water crystals settled on our ruined town, i had to fight the urge to leave. i wanted to.

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