Homework II
Jess loved chris more than anything she had ever known, for he was kind, gentle and a passionate and virile lover - eager to often let jess take mastery of their lovemaking, where her training by the inteli-pet corporation was allowed to run free.
Deep Conditioning - Chapter Five
#5 of (z00) (inteli-pet corporation) deep conditioning palen and rosie are left to their own devices whilst stephen sleeps off the first lovemaking between himself and palen the night before, when rosie timidly turns to palen and asks for his help with a
Deep Conditioning - Chapter Sixteen - Finale -
#16 of (z00) (inteli-pet corporation) deep conditioning stephen resorts to desperate measures, his final resolve, is to break rosie of her deeply imprinted conditioning - will it work, will it break her, as it broken palen, or does this doe have a strength
Deep Conditioning - Chapter Three
#3 of (z00) (inteli-pet corporation) deep conditioning stephen receives a wakeup call the next morning, in a way he'd never imagined - only problem - he didn't realise he'd 'called out' in his sleep, whilst dreaming, and as a result, the unexpected occured
Deep Conditioning - Chapter Four
#4 of (z00) (inteli-pet corporation) deep conditioning stephen starts his morning like any other - but this time he introduces his new companions to a strange treat - a carrot - never having eaten them, rosie politely refuses hers, feeling a little unsettled
Twas The Night Before Christmas (M/F)
"i am a product of the inteli-pet corporation - i have been - imprinted - to please my owner - that owner - is you.
Homework III - Doe's Daydreams
Chris cuddled the crying kangaroo close, stroking her ears and just holding her, knowing she was fighting the deeply ingrained programming that the inteli-pet corporation had implanted so deeply into her conciousness, he was afraid it could never