HighSchool romance Part 2

The young hybrind being a martial arts master at such a young age. he had to stay fit, as well with the dalmation, being the athletic type was slim and slightly toned.


How Lord Shen Spends His Time

He could feel the ripples that went through, the slight softness back there that would never have been present in a real martial arts master - _you are not one of them. you are better. better!

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter6

I'll admit, taking your brother on as your pupil and then subsequently losing him to what i can only refer to as 'the dark side' sounds like an excellent reason to me why one would rather not play the role of martial arts master anymore, but this was most

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Neko Mimi 6- A Dance With Destiny: Merit's Story

Besides, you've danced around giant monsters and martial arts masters before, so this should be pretty easy by comparison. you and your partner will do just fine." "my partner? wait, who am i dancing with?"

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 3: New Home, New Teachers

Especially if it helps us get stronger by learning from two martial arts masters. we can only get so far training with each other." "yea, what uncle volcan said!"

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Furious Five vs The White Ferret

The martial arts master arched, teeth clenching. pleasure that he'd not felt in ages spiked up through his body as the plug drove deeper. a twist nearly sent him into convulsions. "hrrrrnnggg..."

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Challenges - July Rule 34 Story #2

Quickly, he moved in behind kumatetsu and turned his back in an innocent attempt not to look like he was creeping on the martial arts master. "funny finding you here." he said. kumatetsu grunted. "what're you doing here?

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Master Tigress' Place

The martial arts master nodded her head, however, and tried to get to her feet. it was a lost cause. she was in too much pain, and she was too far into the process to make it. she collapsed again, and shifu made for the door.

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Hare and the Mask - Tricks and Traps

It could almost have been a scene from a movie, the martial arts master versus the muscular lug. the two spinning and lunging, feinting and clawing at one another and then something peculiar drew his attention.

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The Black Cats (Finished story)

Kariden is a martial arts master making his whole body a weapon.

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The Black Cats ( Revised )

Kariden is a martial arts master making his whole body a weapon.

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The Grin Paws - Chapter 2: The Grin Revealed

"and finally just in time for the summer blockbuster movie season, martial arts master and actor yak li's newest adventure film, 'dance of the ninja monkeys' will be out...sounds like it'll be quite a romp....this is jack hoffman for music teevee news..."

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