Nightmare In the Lunar Republic Chapter 2

She reported the gathering of several mercenary groups in the area and saw a noble paying them bits or gems. the description she gave make it to likely be prince blueblood." "so my so called nephew is out for glory.


First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part Three -- {Threats}

"mercenary group, eh? and you're telling me this mercenary group has a goal? then it's not a mercenary group at all! it's an organization! you are working for visus!"


It Never Goes Smoothly

A number of mercenary groups were like that, simply because it helped keep morale up and kept them out of trouble. not everyone was a crazed sex maniac- shekhar and sunderfoot the most notable examples.

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Word would spread pretty fast that i got disowned by the best mercenary group this half of the kingdom has to offer. that kind of reputation would ruin any hope of future employment...not to mention everyone would know.

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Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 6

There are plenty of other mercenary groups who would have been happy to have you, or the cornerian army, or any other line of work, but instead you joined a bunch of murderous criminals, who don't care about anyone but themselves, and stabbed all your friends

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The Cat's Stroll 12

"yes, not only is there also a team tournament, there will be a mercenary group tournament as well, and the young blood tournament will actually be divided in two categories, individual and group, which is the one we're participating in, and further by age

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The World We Live In: Chapter 29

They have a mercenary group in that town. they might want to hire you." he then bid his goodbye and walked away whistling, confusing the three of them even more.

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The World We Live In: Chapter 28

Should've known asran's not someone who will continue playing games with mercenary groups. other than that, yeah. narati looks a lot like asran." "do you think he's..."

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The World We Live In: Chapter 27 (Start of Arc III)

Despite of the new recruits giving out exceptional performance themselves, it wasn't enough to make people believe that a mercenary group opened store just recently.

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Illicit Royalty

He recognized few authorities as such, and mercenary groups in the area refused to send men to 'rough him up' again. however, he was not an anarchist. he was quite the opposite, in fact. he wanted nothing more than the kingdom to finally have a king.

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Hunter and Trapper

Dante was aware of the recent talks with some of the more minor mercenary groups, but he didn't know details. this was definitely one of them, "we wish to help make fallen sky, and our night prowlers, invincible!"

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Experiment Three

Yet sometimes they become a mercenary group doing anything for the right price. the gang is divided into sub-divisions, which were organized by species. the sub-division that invaded the town of oaks is the lizard division.

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