Watch Out Australia, Here Comes The Racers

Barbara & eddy fell to last place; but luckily it was a non-elimination round so no one went home. 13 teams are still in the race for a million dollars. who will get left behind?

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Marked for Death

He thought it wasn't worth the effort to kill this geezer until he saw the price on his head: three million dollars, wanted dead. he must have really pissed someone the hell off.

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He was so close to getting two million dollars, win or lose. he just had to press on, he just had to drink one more can.

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Twinks Across America: Ch. 41 - Delaware

The kinky hyena cackled in approval, as if i also asked a million-dollar question. "you just read my mind!"

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The earth goddess that lived in the woods. [mini-story]

Then 50 million dollars will do it and cost of him would be..let say...another 50 million" he smirked, but and not caring. gaia rolled her eyes "fine, 100 million dollars." she used her magic to place gold in his house. aiko lastly stated "each".

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Toroko Got Fingered: Chapter 1

As the theme song to the six-million-dollar man said, "we can rebuild him. we have the technology. we have the experience. we will make him better than he was before. better, faster, stronger. and that man will be..."

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The Infinite Sorrow: Prolouge

If they ever figure out his power we would lose over 1 million dollars in research money. even worse, if they found out the experiments we did on him and the other pokemon, we would be ruined. no one would fund us! are you even listening?"

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The Mouse Days of Summer

I made the million-dollar shot, so it doesn't matter, anyway, cause i win." "there's no million-dollar shot," dover repeated, grumpily. almost throwing his paws in the air.

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Lost Haven: Aunt Ruth

The civilians in cities all across earth leapt at the chance for an easy 5 million dollars, after all it wouldn't be them being sent to the slaughter...just a copy of them.

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The Caribou club next generation ch1

dollars," "$16,117,718 dollars and 8 cents to be accurate," dylan remarked.


The Caribou club next generation ch1

dollars," "$16,117,718 dollars and 8 cents to be accurate," dylan remarked.



Twenty million dollars to whoever gets this reference! just kidding.

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