
You'll live to a ripe old age without a care in the world." he jiggled the collar. "come on. no point in fighting it. relax and enjoy the ride." charlie stared at the man, his thoughts confused.

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Autumn Is A Pagan

He is the very superman: a lusty youth, and just, and if he fears old age and time, he does not make it shown. but autumn is a pagan, and he has a gentler soul. he knows she did not make the world, and loves it more therefore.

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My Quotes. 1. My greatest!

When we are young, we are scared of death, so we wish to live up to an old age. but once we become old, we are more close to dying and we become even more scared of death. you have to live up to your dreams.

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Differences Prologue

In my old age of 89, she still cared for me like i was the only thing on this rock of a planet. i wonder how my grandson jeremy is? earth, 2525: i've heard that the humans from terra did something the government doesn't like.

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The Safeword is 'Papa' (ch.8)

I'd get to re-live these memories whenever i wanted, up until old age and senility took them away from me. i made a silent promise right then that, futile though it was, i would try.

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Flying High Intro

For the hundredth time she considered telling the cross eyed pilot to just hurry up and take off, before he died of old age and being boring.


The Forbidden Play

Just then carey's bladder succumbed to old age and lost grip. urine began shooting out of her vagina into her panties and khakis. wetness grew from the crotch on her pants, soaking down her legs. it was then carey noticed a wet feeling at her crotch.

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Rise of Tel'ranis - Prologue

You'll get to raise your boy to adulthood and he'll live to a ripe old age. there's just a matter of the price." she brings her hands together, just waiting. "twenty-one years? then what happens with me?" "details, details.

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Part ONE

His clothes were tattered and frayed from old age, his body was out of shape from eating junk food and drinking, he wore glasses that made him look like a pedophile, and worst of all, he was a maned wolf.

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The Memoirs of Ted. E. Bearsby. ~WIP. Teaser.~

Do forgive me this, it appears old age has withered more then my body. shall i start over for you? yes, i think i shall. greetings to you. my name is theodore eric bearsby. though most of the people i've ever met call me simply, ted.

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Value for Money

Must be getting sentimental in my old age...

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The Legend of Serafi

A long time ago, so long ago that mountains have been born and died from old age since then, a filly was born into the great herd. she was as beautiful and adorable as any newborn foal, but what set her apart was her eyes.

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