Teenage Loves

This was a sonnet that i wrote not too long ago in a new form that i created, tercet, tercet, quatrain, quatrain. it might be a little rough, but i spent a good two weeks trying to finish it, and it seems to have come out rather well.

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The Sisters of Vengeance

Oh the sisters of vengeance they have not forgotten or fled. I see them still watching the stormclouds that hang overhead. And they told me my fortune and someday I'll know what they said, Though I hope it won't matter until I've been many years...

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Maybe Stop Telling This Man What He Wants

"Man wants but little here below Nor wants that little long." How often hath that platitude Been strangled into song? By men who do not want, but have Their little and their more. In rhymes perforce, in meter bad, They serve it to the poor. ...

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Hue and Cry

Interestingly, this poem follows the shakespearean sonnet rhyme scheme, but uses dactylic trimeter with masculine rhymes for the quatrains. the couplet is the traditional iambic pentameter.


There Was Once

This poem has a simpler rhyme scheme and structure, but the quatrains are varied. the first two lines are in anapestic tetrameter, the third line is in dactylic tetrameter, and the fourth line is in dactylic trimeter with a masculine rhyme.


Autumn Is A Pagan

Autumn, he is wandering down in the market square Where they are selling scarlet fruit and golden-tassled sheaves Heaped on the fitted cobbles that are cloaked in drifting leaves, And any citizen who likes can see him walking there. He talks of...

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david's college days part nineteen

So now it was time to quatrain them, first pippin but she said she was not there at the country and western thing she hated country music, so it couldn't be her plus she had a hang over from another late night.

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The Great Mountain

Nostradamus, century 1, quatrain 69

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"The Thin Line," Part Q

What he didn't realize is that when you pay more attention to your uniform, and when you're composing quatrains in your head, you may not see that enemy behind you, the one with the upraised spear.

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The King's Bed Chamber

"be grateful my betrothal present to you was a necklace and not a sonnet: any affection you may have fancied to have would have been killed stone dead from the first quatrain." aislynn finally grinned at this.

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Entering the Abyss: The Lost Planet

#19 of the great balancing with the stunning success of the blackstar's performance during the quatrain incident kitt docked his ship with the pleasure station in orbit of the assembly's home planet.

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14 - The Huntress

Her voice failed slightly, stammering a few of the words of the next quatrain, "the f-firstborn shall be the last to s-succumb/the hero he s-shall finally become/u-unity a final r-request/when this world dies."

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