Jaws of Passion

Thus began our session of tongue-wrestling, constantly tilting our heads and forcing each other backward, our oral muscles writhing and flexing with noisy resolve, pinning and curling in a game of one-upmanship.

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Technofox 05

I've always hated that 'i'm more oppressed than you' one-upmanship bullshit. what about you, tech?" "...yes," technofox said, considering. "one of my regulars hinted he might buy me outright. even being timeshared would have been wonderful.

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Pj and Pete chapter 22 Part 2

Making a sound of dismissal at pete's bragging, burt quickly interrupted the other man to talk about his son's slutty behavior in a strange display of one-upmanship.

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Path of Redemption

Both were a bit hot headed, so there were plenty of arguments and one-upmanship between them. yet nothing that would not be settled with some intense and rough sex between them. i was their only child.

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If Autumn is to Come - Beta Preview 020518

At least the one-upmanship was the same, here. "dark business doing that sort o' thing at all," the other replied gravely. "you sure he was alive, though? that'd be rotten luck," he trailed off. "must've been.

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The two males licked and suckled at each other for a time, deeply enjoying this teasing, erotic game of one-upmanship.

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