The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Brad Part 2

At first i hated the resistance fighters, and blamed them for the deaths of my team mates. but slowly my anger and rage was redirected to the true murderers, the karn and their slave races!

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Torpedo Run Chapter 24

From behind, a deafening thud blew out the back wall, and then bullets and death were flying in every direction, cutting through soldiers, resistance fighters, walls, ceilings, and the floor.

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War on the Home Front: Chapter 2, Lock and Load

resistance fighters of police, citizens, and national guard are already wreaking havoc behind their lines. yet, at the same time, we dont have much of a line at all.

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Furry encounters part one: Meeting Jasmine.

He thought to himself as he crawled thru a hole in the fence toward his target, the group of resistance fighters were killed on a mission when he was going on another mission a week ago. minutes later near a parked shuttle.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 25

Chapter 25 chaos reigned in the undercity, as combat rolled through hallway and cavern, bullets flying like hordes of wasps, felling soldiers and resistance fighters in a sweeping tide of death.

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Tales from Anthracite City 7: The Return and Demise of Crimson Screamer

The inhabitants were gone; if they weren't dead they had either fled or were captured by the enemy hordes, all that was left were the junk and supplies being picked over by two resistance fighters wanted by the occupying enemy, the infamous duo of adam

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First SoulFire

He and saphira now rest in a mountain stronghold of the resistance fighters. brom was the person the told eragon what he was and got him to the resistance fighters but be died in the process.

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 3 Not In Kansas Anymore

Then he would have to find a village with resistance fighters, if he was in france, he thought. he had to get back to britain, though now he didn't really see the point. the last person he ever cared about was dead; there was nothing left for him.

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Time's Crucible Part Two

Yet shockingly not only does this resistance fighter know of her father, but more alarmingly she knows of hope. the revelation is doing nothing to settle the nerves that hope has buried deep inside herself.

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The Cat's Portrait

fighters" and its subsequent attitude to anyone of those kinds; and, of course, their modern system of institutionalized slavery, where transgressors were brought to pay back their debts to society or each other.

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To be an Assassin

"my parents were resistance fighters. they both fell for it and paid for it. the whole fortress is covered with those things. you'd have to snag a guard out on patrol.

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Rudys Journey chapter 2

When he makes it to earth, he and his team meets up with a resistance fighter. crash site, rudy's' temporary quarters. rudy laid on the bed looking through the window glancing at the two different size moons shinning their pale silver glow.

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