Death To Nightmare Chapter 6

This was an hour long act as each of the wonderbolts did various tricks in the air drawing oohs and ahs. the most impressive one was during the final performance.


Sinful Servitude

His new life had been made to be all about spitfire, the wonderbolts leader having taken to him upon his arrival.

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Equestrian Knights Ch 6. Camping Chaos

And it'll be better than the wonderbolts! i'll call it the shadowbolts! and we'll steal all the wonderbolts' glory! and rainbow dash and spit fire will beg me to let them join my group, and i'll just laugh and tell them to go buck themselves."

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Breaking Thunder

"th-thank you" the wonderbolt was able to get out before his face was completely covered in horse butt.

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When Books Fly

the wonderbolt's physique only added to the pleasure with each powerful thrust, each time hitting that one spot deep inside her that drove her practically insane.

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At the Academy

Rainbow dash invites gilda to the wonderbolt academy. the only problem is, griffons aren't allowed there. rainbow dash has a plan though. all they need is a bit of shrinking violet. hey, what's the worst that could happen?

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The Mimic

the wonderbolt gritted her teeth, feeling around with her free hand. her fingers closed around the familiar shaft of her flashlight.

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Hearth's Warming Hook-Up

This hearth's warming was especially exciting because, at rainbow dash and twilight's invitation, several of the wonderbolts would be attending the ponyville festivities this year.

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 8

"the wonderbolts! they are going to be here tomorrow for the celebration and i want to show them what i can do!" "wait the wonderbolts, like the most elite team of fliers in equestria?" "is there any other group that has that name?"

Six String's Backstory

Recently, he joined the wonderbolts reserves.

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Death To Nightmare Chapter 10

Nightmare looked behind her to see none other but the wonderbolts. she facehoofed then gave the signal. with the flare shot out all her troops launched their attack.

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Equestrian Knights Ch 2. The Prince's Scheme

"lightning dust, you were kicked out of the wonderbolt academy. with this amount of money, you could buy the wonderbolt academy if you wanted to."lightning dust grinned at that thought.

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