Midterms pt 4

Gem and i talked about future wedding plans, we decided to wait. until we could forge stable careers and her parents excepted me as her boyfriend. when i finally met her folks they weren't expecting the likes of me.

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Chapter 4 – Transitions and Preparations

#4 of one mind, one heart, one soul fox and krystal make wedding plans and also take steps to transition to life after star fox.

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Delivery Made Special

In the months to come we dated, learned about each other, then made wedding plans. notified our folks and got them together on thanksgiving before telling them. they went ballistic hearing of our sudden engagement but, they seemed more happy than mad.

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Wolford's Unveiling - Part Twenty

We had to cover him with a blanket that we later burnt because your great-grandmother strolled in on us and started asking about our wedding plans... awkward moments happen and you were aware of the situation and both male, the interspecies law is some old

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All the things we leave behind. Pt1

wedding plans were underway, there was a lot of love and laughter and things seemed okay again. until... "he's gone, he just left and we can't find him anywhere..." came the fear cracked voice of my sister that morning over the phone.

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A Space Opera - Ch 2. Hair of the Wolf

She sounded dissapointed once the dessert had arrived, the conversation moved on to lighter topics, mostly wedding planning. tanya was an orphan, raised by the state, the closest man she had to a father was the general.

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San Iadras: Not Divorced

wedding plans?" "february." becky chewed her lip. "valentines? nice, very romantic." set the volume down, hit jack's connection icon. "oh, here. i see. he's looking good." "mhmm." becky smoothed down her dress.

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Family Matters. Chapter Three.

Howard grunted as he stood back up waddling over to toss the dirt back into the den and shutting the door as the two in side were fussing over wedding plans. "well two." vince held two fingers up. "prude." howard grunted.

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De-Evolution - Post NaNo 4

Underneath it all, she was nervous about the after wedding plans, but she was doing a wonderful job covering it up. she wasn't about to let fear of anything ruin her wedding.

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The Bold and the Furry – Sex In the City

_"mister gliese, pepe la rocca called again from the wedding planning agency and he said he had a very urgent matter to discuss with you."_ _ _ rory lifted his finger from the button and grimaced.

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I Now Pronounce You...

I could see the ruffled fur of his brow as he peered down at the wedding plans, over the cake and the food, a smile wiping across his mug before taking another glug of his steamy coffee.

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Kicked out Chapter 3

And during the dinnner we where discussing the wedding plans "of course were being married in a church but the problem is finding a church who can marry the two of us."

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