When Fox Knew

#2 of writing corner prompts 'nother writing group challenge. prompt: and that's the moment when i knew he/she was the one. fox and falco is one of my favorite pairings. it was in flight school. we'd been running go around drills all morning.

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writting promt #1

#1 of writing group challenges the other dday i join a group of writers in an effort to improve my writing. they do these weekly challenges where they write using a certain prompt. at first i was going to pass on it since i joined in late, but my brain figured

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Fresh New Start

#57 of writing group challenge this is for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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A Simple Job

This is one just a basic writing group challenge, but it's better than nothing. i decided to go with one of the older prompts for this one. the prompt for this story is:it seemed innocuous.

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A Second Chance

#1 of writing group challenge a human gets what he deserves - for his crimes are innumerable, but if a forest god can find it in their heart to give a second chance, why can't we?

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Study Break

#53 of writing group challenge this is for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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Desert Spice Saloon's Charity Car Wash

#52 of writing group challenge this is for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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Our Master's Care

#51 of writing group challenge this is for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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Podunk Secret

#35 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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Podunk Wish

#34 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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Rent A Whore's Replication Services

#40 of writing group challenge this is for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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Fight or Fuck

#39 of writing group challenge this is for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: https://t.me/joinchat/txmb1ru1etekoakg). at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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