Mega Trainer Chapter 5

CHP 5 My eyes fluttered open. I immediately brought a hand to my head, trying to dull the aching pain I felt there. It felt like my head had an ice pick lodged in it. Through the ache, I felt a softness under my fingers. Then I realized I wasn't...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 4 (X)

CHP 4 The next day, we woke up early, the sun just rising. After a strategy meeting, we departed for the park. Soul decided to stay outside her ball today. When we got there, it was bright enough to find a dark spot, under and behind a few trees from...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 3

Chp 3 I woke up from the sunlight shining in my eyes. I groggily rolled my head to look at the curtains. The bulk of absol on my chest prevented the rest of my body from moving. The curtains were parted enough to allow the light in. The only problem...


Mega Trainer Chapter 2 (X)

CHP 2 Later that day I arrived in Everlive City. It was already getting late so I made my way to the pokemon center and booked a room. With the last of my money, I bought some medicine and a pokedex. I then made my way to the edges of town, intent on...

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Mega Trainer Chapter 1 (X)

CHP 1 I continued walking down the forest path, still mad. I hefted up my backpack, filled with camping provisions and some empty pokeballs. The sun was beginning to be covered by the treetops, allowing the clouds to be seen blowing by in the wind....

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Pokemon Breeder Dungeon - Bad Start

Pokemon Breeder Dungeon Bad Start The Pokemon that best fits you... is Eevee! The sound of that voice was what woke him up. He looked around in confusion, trying to find the source, but he was alone. Instead of his room and bed, he was in a forest,...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 10: Training

Chapter 10: Training "FUSION! WAKE UP!" Anko cried out, poking the sleeping pokemon frantically. "Ugh, for the love of..." Fusion pried open his eyes and glared at Anko. "I thought you were gonna stop this?" "But this is special!" he...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 9: The Real Thing

Chapter 9: The Real Thing "Woohoo!" Anko cried out loudly. Fusion groaned as woke up and looked over. "We did it!" He took his new badge from the tree and pinned it to one of his droopy ears. The sight got Fusion...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 8: The Big Test - Part 3

Chapter 8: The Big Test - Part 3 "You can do it, go get 'em," Fusion encouraged. "Yeah, kick some ass Anko!" Nina echoed. "What they said," Lee agreed. "The final match begins now! Anko the rockruff and Smushy the...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 7: The Big Test - Part 2

Chapter 7: The Big Test - Part 2 "Nina the zorua and Bree the eevee, enter the arena." Nina looked around as she left. None of her teammates were there. "Hope those guys are okay..." She entered the sandy field, an eevee already on the other...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 6: The Big Test - Part 1

Chapter 6: The Big Test - Part 1 The next couple months passed quickly. Team Union dedicated themselves to training and studying for the test. A week before, the official announcement was finally given. The Rookie Certification Test would consist...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 5: Friday with the Twins (X)

Chapter 5: Friday with the Twins "Ugh," Lee groaned as she woke up. She still felt awful, even after eating a dinner of healing berries. She forced herself to get up despite that. Limping over towards the water supply, she dunked her face into it,...

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