Chapter One: The Reason

**\*~\*~\*~\*~\*** This is a rewrite of "Machinations of a Trainer" by Matt that I'm assisting with. The original can be found here: []( **\*~\*~\*~\*~\*** Letting out...

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Chapter Three: A Touch of Sand and Heat

"Almost there, girl, keep it up!" I didn't think she could hear me over the sound of her wings, much less the wind, but a quick double tap on her right shoulder indicated the message "good flying," just as one tap would have meant to turn to...

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Chapter Two

"This is it." I whispered, the words just over the sound of the wind and the waves, into Karen's ear, feeling her body press back against mine as the Aqua Mariner rocked beneath our feet, gradually slowing upon its approach to its intended destination....

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Chapter Six: Humans Are Squishy

After fighting Alexander and his Alakazam, I was more than ready to head out before the spectators got it in their heads that THEY should try and battle, wanting to take my team down a peg on the ranking list so they could climb over us. Scooping...

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Unexpected Destiny

{{Awaken, Kari.}} My limbs were bound to my sides! Struggling, I kicked and punched. It didn't register that I was in my sleeping bag until I heard the zipper give, sliding down the bag to finally free me. Feeling relieved (and rather foolish), I...


Cherry Blossoms

Something smelled funny. Crunching into a tighter ball and rolling over, Chala buried her face into the soft moss and ferns that made up her bed. Keeping her eyes closed, she thought of other things, like the sweet and crisp scent of the mint...


Halloween Special: And the Year After

Thanks to Matt and Resolute, who both offered creative insight and editing along the way... and Matt helped me with the sex scenes because I suck at them... or think I do. Either way, enjoy! =\*=\*=\*=\*=\*= She was nervous. She didn't act...

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Chapter Five

"Mya?" My ears swiveled before I could stop them. Turning to look over my shoulder, the sound of my name filled the empty lobby for one brief moment before the burbles from the jeweled fountain greedily lapped it up. Amidst the mixture of splashes...

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Request: 1) Male Trainer and Female Quilava. 2) The trainer and his first Pokémon, Quilava, have been in a very intimate relationship before the story begins. The only thing is, they've never had sex yet... she's too shy but begins building her...

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Halloween Special: And This Year Too

Thanks to Matt for helping me along with the idea and for Resolute for doing the sex bits for me, allowing me to edit and streamline them to work with the story. I know there's some errors, sorry guys. Wanted to get it up as soon as possible. If you...

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Chapter 1

Ponies. Wildheart let her lip curl but permitted no sound to pass her lips in regards to the feelings she had about that word. Drawing in a breath, her ears flicked, checking yet again for sounds of passersby but, outside the normal night...

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**(Also known as: My Summer Flame. Co-Written by Resolute. 2nd place winner of the 2010 July "Bring The Heat" Contest on** "So, Ayden, it seems like you're enjoying yourself." A warm glow and sense of contentment rippled through...

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