Motel Mind-Rinse
There was another sound in the room, a soft binaural thrum that slipped into the dizzy dragon's head and massaged his brain like dough. he was already too far gone to notice it on a conscious level, but it didn't matter.
The Research Continues [Commission]
Some mild increase in retention was noted when the binaural tones of the entrainment program reduced in intensity, alongside further emphasis on the conditioning being permanent and natural. a subtler, more sustained method of control may be possible.
They'd bark at you until you put the headphones on over their ears to listen to the binaurals, and then you'd have a bit of free time as they got comfortable. you couldn't join in, as much as you wanted to. someone had to be responsible.
Sharing Accessories [Commission]
Though it would be doing nothing but conducting hypnotic binaurals right through his skull and into his brain. he wouldn't know that. bowser sat back on the break-room's bean-bag, sprawling himself out triumphantly.
What Happens In Las Pegasus...
"but all those fun little subliminals and binaurals made it so you just couldn't, huh? so aaaaall you can do is pump yourself dumb until i let you finish. and doesn't it feel nice, fatty?"
I Could Do It In My Sleep
binaural beats tricked her brain into producing the supernatural amounts of anthro growth hormone that coursed through her, adding to her mass with every second it played.
Bug Report
"basically i hook this up to your blackbox port, it will read your blueprint, copy it and then feed a constant binaural signal to the regulator." "ohhhh kay." aj said sitting on the bed, resting his back on the wall.
Coffee Micro-fictions I (July 23 2022)
It touches your mind as it spins and swirls, like a gramophone needle, playing a pleasurable binaural thrum that echoes inside your skull and turns the bone to cotton.
A Hypnotic Beat
I heard binaurals in the background, tones that made it harder for subjects to think, harder to concentrate.
Beta Testing
A little bit of dabbling with music production and binaurals sustained me for a while, fucking around with a few friends to the point where they'd cum their brains out when they heard just the right little burst of sound.
Meeko's Malleability
He could "hear" his own muscles shudder uncontrollably as a low-frequency hum, matched by a binaural sound within the headphones. it was as though he was seated in the world's greatest massage chair, but it was powered by his own body.