A Lion's Last Raid
The bloodlust will conquer him. it helps him survives. it leads him to victory. it hungers for death. but if he can't control it, he may very well lose his mind, forever.
Emma - The Cost of Freedom
**The Cost of Freedom** Written By: Skabaard Valorie had never run so hard in her life. Icy dread the likes of which she had felt only a few times in her life crawled along her spine as she sprinted down the broad, open hallway of the...
Season of the Vampire
Meanwhile, billy and dukey were running for their lives from the bloodlustful vampire. "that dude is friggen crazy! i told you we shouldn't have invited him! he's a freak!" dukey growled at his brother.
Full Moon Medication
Meeting his eyes, i see the flames of bloodlust brewing there, quickly doused with vodka which then coats his chest in hair. "i'm sorry, man" he growls out as he rips off his t-shirt.
Using the shadows, the bloodlust that pounded through her core growling, "how dare you claim something you never will own, peasant."
Death Games: Chapter 1
Strangely i found the smell of blood comforting as the leopard and i charged each other; his claws splayed and ready for the taste of my flesh and my knives for the taste of his blood, as we glared at each other with bloodlust in our eyes.
Gleaming Madness
But exist it did, and as i claimed this place as mine with a dark, mind-bending mist, i knew that my bloodlust and addiction to pain would not be sated for long.
Chapter 14: The Trial of Strife
It plays back over the battle rockwall and bloodlust had. strife sees bloodlust get destroyed. he smiles as he sees the arm regenerate and gets up, waving his hand as the mirror darkens. "finally, something went right for a change."
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 28
There was something euphoric about it, surrendering to the anger, the hate, throwing yourself fully into the passion of your bloodlust.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 29
There was something euphoric about it, surrendering to the anger, the hate, throwing yourself fully into the passion of your bloodlust.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 180
This machine of claws and teeth, fuelled by bloodlust. there was no trace of the old banno left in it.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Prologue 2-2
He put one in a hilt strap on his waist and held the other in his right hand with bloodlust in his left. once he had his equipment set, he had to dodge a few shadow balls launched at him.