Changeling Heart: Letters after Death
"as i said, i don't care...i will keep attacking you cocoon, i will keep pressing forward!"
Changeling Heart: Wounded Left
Releasing my magic hold, i let the blade slip back into place as cocoon smiled.
Excerpt from Chapter 6
I nodded and ran a hand through my hair then started going from cocoon to cocoon pulling them open. finally i found one that had a coherent survivor. he was a black lab with red marks on his hand and foot paws making him look different from most.
Changeling Heart: Lighting's Strike
Which now that i think of it, must have been cocoon? thinking of this, did chrysalis get that idea from cocoon, i mean, maybe she caught wind of this and thought to use this plan as her own; if it could work with one, why not another?
Sissy Latex Torture PART 4 [COMMISSION]
Auri put on a pair of arm and leg condoms too, and opened alice's cocoon. although the opening was very tight, she managed to squeeze herself inside, almost crushing alice.
All Aboard the Cushy Express!
She set him down, the feeling of the plug making his cock squirt again, and hooked a hose into his cocoon. liquid stuffing began pouring into the rubber, inflating it into an oblong egg-shaped cocoon.
Joining the Team: Chapter 3: Training
But it took me ages to work it out the first time i was a cocoon.
I need strength
His body gets submerged by the cocoon and he slips into unconsciousness.
Chapter 20 - Darkest Hour
"go for the cocoon..." munchy nodded, the cocoon was slowly opening up as he powered his entire round into the cocoon making it explode in a puddle of green goo.
Changing Larvesta
Fractures emerge in the living, roiling flame of the cocoons, random cracks spreading over the surface. in a brilliant display of color, the outer layer shatters.
The Balloon Fraternity
In his exuberance, he had forgotten about the purple cocoon entirely!
Cascoon... I dunno it has no real title
The insides of his cocoon must be rather hot.