Snowy Feelings

"da, there is, comrade. you." exile smiled softly.

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the best the world has to offer

"it seems so comrade" said exile "back to mother russia" "hay! we should have a farewell party!" said blitz approaching coleen from behind.

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Chapter 4: Secret\'s Revealed, a bond is born

Exile gave him a soft look and responded "sure comrade, shoot." "i never went through the machine......i'm permanently like this..." "what?! how?!" exile exclaimed.

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Red Storm chapter 2

"comrade commissar!" kiril yelled. the commissar spun around to meet yuri and kiril. "what are you doing!" he yelled. "back to the line or i'll shoot you! damn cowards!"

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DU Chapter 1 - It's Degonyale, NOT Dragonscale

My first time escorting a comrade fur." he said, grinning with his sharp and deadly teeth. "it is?" i said before i even thought of why he was excited. "da, comrade!" the dragon said, and peered at me.

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Out of the Closet

#1 of is funny comrade sexuality and other jokes. warning some are really bad. conscript 1: my father was so surprised when i came out of closet to him. conscript 2: why was that, comrade?

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K-495 (chapter 2)

"we are going to the arctic ocean, my comrades" the admiral barked. "and from there we shall go down the east cost of america, into our strike zone!" he yelled, "strike zone? comrade sir?" someone asked out. "aren't we just on a patrol?"

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Chapter 9:Escape from Hell, into Heaven

"comrade? comrade! your awake! thank god!" exile breathed. keith looked at exile, his wounds were now covered in bandages, but he still looked horrible, you could still see the blood and tears in his armor. where's hunter? colleen?!

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A warming mission

Being a blood legion member he always felt like teasing his comrade for his shortness, though bato was a lot faster and much more agile than him.

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Feelings, Departure

Blitz wrapped his arms around his comrade, and began feeling every aspect of exile. exile was in excellent shape, and his muscles were as hard as a rock. "you like what you feel comrade?" exile said through the kiss.

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New Partner

Exile interjected "wow comrade! you look pretty good!" exile said, eyeing keith up and down. "you're not so bad yourself!" keith said, slapping exile on the back as he walked by.

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Every Nation Has Its Wars: Names

With relief the commissar handed the gun to his comrade. being careful not give their position away, the rotweiler crawled along the wall until his reached a small hole.

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