Careful what you wish for... (F.F.F. Story Entry)

'it's so boring being a human, our senses are so... so... dull!' dax thought absent mindedly. 'as a fox i can hear everything, smell everything... the feel of the earth beneath my paws...' dax sighed again. 'why are humans so dulled?'

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The Arrow Gets Horny

The dull ache intensifies as he grabs his nose, unsure of the sudden throbbing within. the dull pain intensifies, the sensations as if he had broken or bruised himself as he rubs at the bridge.

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Let's Talk

dull-brown kishu began to start fire after her daughter had brought logs under the pot and tried to choose right words. "ah. well.

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The Arrow Gets Horny

The dull ache intensifies as he grabs his nose, unsure of the sudden throbbing within. the dull pain intensifies, the sensations as if he had broken or bruised himself as he rubs at the bridge.

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The Dragon's Eye (Entry for Zsisron's contest)

The feet gave a dull scraping sound, wood on marble as he turned it, easily as one of the servant's stools, until the towering, broad back faced them.

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Volunteer Training

Baxter's knot finally popped free just as the door opened - a light catching the vixen's eye as she looked over towards the source of a dull droning that her equally dulled mind could barely understand.

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Cubs setting in

Every day she woke up with the dull sound of a buzzing alarm. if she wasn't up in the following ten seconds, an electric shock jerked her up.

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Tales of Torrnal - Vaelianne's Intuition

Once more in the dull light her eyes began to gleam and shimmer with an unnatural light behind them.

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Twilight Talons

How dull her struggles had been.

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Chapter 1 - The beginings of a changing life

Most didn't share his interests and as he was a bit of a geek most thought him dull and a bore. he had one decent friend though, a girl in his english class.

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Stress Relief

To dull the inside of the club.

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Volod's Story - Part 1

Despite the dull pain still permeating his body, he'd never felt more alive. he went barely another mile before he heard the unmistakeable dull roar of swift moving water over rocks.

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