Kaeryn: Summer Love

So, she had decided to change her name from tom to micha. tom being the name her doctor gave her, to a more suiting one and one 'he' would not be recognized in. micha's first adventure in his new life, summer vacation!

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Blood Rose-10

He even liked micha's surly company. he couldn't lose that for the world. she didn't hate him. that was a good start. at the very least, she was tolerant of him, and that was better than dislike, in his book.

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Blood Rose-23

The walk back to the tribesman's village was a chilly awkward one, and left jason feeling younger than he had even when he traveled with micha. and she had an uncanny ability to make him feel like an ass.

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Tugan Tails: Tugan Lake

She moved over to where the horse now sat, just next to a willow tree, "so, micha. you excited about sunday?" she asked, ears perking now. he looked around the line a few moments before answering her.

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Blood Rose-17

But cassie and micha he liked very much. he'd come to the point where he didn't really think about a future without them. he had yet to meet rage, and a big part of him as terrified to.

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Through the Cracks - I Don't Exist But I Do Love

"what i wanna know," micha says "is if he's having this conversation, why bother to write it down?" "i can see why he'd write it out."

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Blood Rose-20

Certainly they were both technically micha but all of her awareness wasn't split that way. they might as well have been two different people.

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Birthday: friends at solstice

A surprise text came from micha. "hey hm can you tell toby happy birthday 4 me?" he texted to sydney. "babe, its micha. he wishes you a happy birthday. here." "oh, it's sweet of him. but why not tell me directly?

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Annabel Lee

The home that he and micha had made and begun to share together. the future that had they had dared to choose.

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The Echo Fanfic

"my name is chase, these are leo, carl, paxton, flynn, jenna and micha." "please to meet you. lets have a group cutting session!" cried clifford exitedly. to be continued?

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Through the Cracks - There Will Be One Vacant Chair

Addressed to micha, at this office. no return address. the day we were supposed to begin filming." "let me be clear: we thought the case was closed. micha, devon, and cameron had pursued every lead. i couldn't find any more leads.

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Blood Rose-4

"look, micha, we're on the run. we'll need new names, new clothes...you especially, in that getup. you'll be easy to recognize. don't you have anything that doesn't show so much of your tits?

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