Earth's New Masters Chapter 26 Gofer's Tale Part 4 My House
But there were no overseers alive to make our dinner. then it hit me, the overseer's house had a kitchen. there was a stove, a microwave, a refrigerator, and a huge chest freezer.
Prisoners of War – Separation
"i detect a fallacy in your logic, prisoner gantan," the overseer noted. "huh?" scowled the lion. the overseer nodded in sardo's direction.
Labyrinth of Rape - Dog Maze
The overseer continued, "living in this place, you will find various animals."
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 3: The Cold Hard Truth
overseer jocelyn "buffalo" schultz gets the focus for the second half of the chapter. a career corporate overseer, ms. schultz puts the mission before everything except those in her group.
"overseer, i understand that you need to protect the vault but if we keep locked in here we aren't going to have enough genetic diversity to keep repopulating!" the overseer sighed.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 2: Going it Alone
The technician began to set it up as the overseer proceed onward toward him but the voljoi's attention was drawn away when the overseer addressed him. "dr. ibrin?" "yes, overseer schultz?"
Incendia (Novel Teaser, Work in Progress)
I'm sure the overseer wishes to break me himself." "the overseer will not see you yet," the demon replied.
Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter1
He knew that whoever his assigned overseer was, that he would be a while before picking up the transmission channel.
Hunter's Moon: First Conflict
"copy that, overseer.
In the Mojave: Chapter 3
The overseer stormed, much to ash's amusement. remus growled from his corner, making the overseer jump. "listen for a moment," lillian said gently, still smiling. "the wasteland can be a savage place, but pockets of civilization still survive.
Red Twilight world walker Chapter 15
, and even how the overseer spoke the overbeing.
On the Rim, Ch 27, 28, and 29: Claw, Cole, & Cap'n
She did, however, balk once everyone's attention was on her, hiding behind the overseer. overseer simpson turned back and gently rested a hand on her shoulder. "you can go outside...