The Fall of Olympia-CHP 2

This day seemed more peaceful than others, despite how it began. the wind was hardly blowing and there weren't gaurds yelling in the streets. everything seemed perfect..... until..... flash.....

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A Master's Lesson

Nearly knocking over several members both young and old, threw open his door to see him sitting up, his fine tea set out, sipping on it peacefully. he looked at me with wonder, then a soft smile as he nodded, and asked me to come in.

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How the Salamander Plays

How the Salamander Plays Crack, goes the sound of splintering wood. Heated air flows as Ivy scales embrace fading flames. Two fist fly, a mighty roar bellows, as branches shake; the forest is alive, as one Salamander plays. With a flash, flames...

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King of Men

King of Men A deep rumble echoed through the audience hall, as the Dragon King debated with one of his Lords. Those of all class where gathered in the decadent hall, some came to discusses personal problems, others more pressing matters, like the...

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Ruined Peace: A World Torn By War - Prologue

_ **ruined peace: a world torn by war ** _ _ **prologue** _ "congratulations everyone! we did it! we created peace between each faction!" not often has a grand party been thrown when all of the world leaders were in attendance.

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Ferrymen's Voyage

Ferrymen's Voyage Up high on the mountain tops, up higher than the clouds, up were the stars dance, lived the brave men and women of Starlight. Those who sailed the endless sea of night, threaded the sun's rays, and charted the stars. To the common...

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A peaceful death

Amazingly, Devon's promise was true: they lasted 110 years. On Cameron's end, the Echo episode made the finaly years painful, but pain was nonexistent with the love of his life by his side. They laid together in bed, nuzzling one another. ...

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Meditation’s Peace

The wind felt amazing, flowing across my fur like my mother's touch. The sounds were relaxing, a complete other world away from my home, where the screams, shouts and other noises only seemed to stress me out. Where the relaxing sounds come from, I do...

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Peace and Harmony

No one would even tell her apart from the rest of the pandas...blending in entirely, her old self melting into the pure simple mists of those peaceful mountains.

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Peace Maker

peace maker the shrill whistle of a steam engine pierces the air as the vexas express makes its way through horny valley with the second sun rising to its apex in an azure sky.

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Peace Maker

I felt at peace. my eyes closed, and i slept hard. i didn't dream. it was like a black heaven, and when i woke, my lips hurt from the smiling.

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Peace and Worry

"My eyes have informed me that you aren't eating properly." Ghost had skipped most of his meals yesterday and hid away in his room for hours, "What do you want to know today?" Maribelle snarled, "I want you to tell me why you aren't eating." ...

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