FWL: Cumfall - Nightshade Vs. Bulldozer

"This is the place?" "609 S. Pauper, right by the docks." The first guy, a grizzled-looking cougar, takes a long drag of his cigarette before turning to face his partner, a massively-built silverback gorilla, "That all you need," he asked, gesturing...

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IGW Gaiden (Gift for Tokeki)

Rocksteady/Wingnut/Leatherhead "Youse louts gotta join da Foot Clan!" Never let it be said that Rocksteady wasn't persistent. "Or els hows we gonna get dem turtles?" Rocksteady had been after Leatherhead and Wingnut ever since he joined the IGWF....

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Coils and Horns (Raffle Prize for HandofBlades)

The snakeman known as Zavis glanced over his knee around the lockeroom, inconspicuously assessing the fighting potential of the other wrestlers. He watched them dart in and out of the showers, dismissing the catcalls and other various noises that arose...

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Property of the Executioner

He couldn't wait until he entered the ring. He'd been looking forward to this night for quite some time. Ever since that man had come he'd been forced to change his nightly routine. Well if he thought that he was gonna just walk in and order him...

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Orc Milkings

Complete and utter darkness greeted El Macho when he awakened, groaning and groggy. Whatever it was that was in the draught he drank must have been stronger than he thought. Or else... somebody must have deliberately spiked his drink. "Oohh...," El...

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The Adventures of El Macho Ch3: Enter Surgin The Demon Knight

To say that he'd seen this coming would have been an oversimplification. Certainly he'd seen the signs. There wasn't much that anyone could have done, especially in his position. "You're gonna love your new cell, demon." The only real tragedy, at...

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Main Event Wrestling: Iron Breaker Vs Shield


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Starfoxed (Story Trade w/ Tokeki

In an abandoned ring in an equally derelict corner of the planet Fortuna were two pilots, heralded across the galaxy as some of the best that have come up in recent memory, circled the center of the ring. One of them, Fox McCloud: son of James, strut...

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FWL Hyperfights: Jack Lumber V. Ice Burr

**Hyperfight: Jack Lumber V. Ice Burr** _ _ The soft lights in the locker room shown especially bright tonight; at least, it did for him. But then again, Jack generally felt a bit anxious before a match. _Wish I was past all this. I've been...

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Handicap Match: IronBreaker against the Heartbreakers

It's been a wild couple of months. A new season and new faces. IronBreaker hasn't had the chance to get acquainted with the new roster, though he's aware of some changes, he doesn't know what they are. As such, it comes as a surprise that he's been...

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El Macho vs the Heartbreakers

And here it is, the main event... El Macho decks himself out as always, beginning his ritual of anointing himself with oil. He always looked forward to doing it, especially since it gave him an eyeful of himself. Blazing red trunks with, emblematic of...

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IronBreaker vs Hunter (Hunter's Victory)

IronBreaker is standing in an area backstage. His bomberjacket lays haphazardly across a nearby bench, his bandolier beside it. He stretching himself, arm outstretched and pulling his legHe hears a noise from behind him and springs to his feet, alert...

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