
Mis-taken... Dragging among the days, I'm falling again, into past mistakes, going out of my concrete ways Differences divide my mind as trips I recall guide me to familiar shadows left among the dark Deep blue in thought, I bait the moments to...

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At the base of an ancient oak, the highest branches of which were obscured by the evening, Adam awaited his judgement. He lay on his belly with his paws crossed, as he'd seen cats do sometimes. He appeared calm on the outside, as he intended, although...

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The Soldier & Daemon

_Upon the windswept hill on this moonlit night_ _The black forest behind and town in sight,_ _A small figure sits among the grass_ _All alone in sorrow._ _A pair of crimson horns and a queen's tail,_ _Golden eyes and a smile impaled._ _As the...

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The Human Race

I need to write this down, make these thoughts concrete before they disappear. I am sick of all the confusion and turmoil and suffering people have to endure because of the concept of race. Race is a myth, another one of those big lies, a blanket term...

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Tip-see... Mixed emotions go down like the finest of drinks Beyond the burn, it begins to turn how one thinks Slightly sideways, I let loose my darkest days Sipping slowly from the free from ambition & emotions past I hold close that feeling,...

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Hashing Things Out

The two sat quietly atop a boulder not far from where their pods had come to ground. Randa sat with an arm loosely draped across Itico's large neck and leaned into him for comfort and warmth. "You know," she muses, "when we are in the thick of things...

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Deaf-erences... Diversity a thought too far, excuse takes place over reasoning untouchable above the clouds Better choices lose to voices choosing to silently scream below those ever listening under shrouds Singular, cellular, systematic Thoughts...

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Zoolatry - A Short Story About Us

"You know, we're all cheating human-ness, in the end." "Come again?" I reply, to the animal in my bedroom. "Careful, porcelain's sharp!" "What porcel--?" I cut myself off, as I bang my hand against the door frame out into the hall, and feel the...

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The Cost of True Peace 1

The Cost of True Peace Chapter 1 The first end Copyright Pyrin1701 I'm considering making this into a series, this was supposed to be a mysterious beginning to it, not sure how well I pulled it off thought. As always, comment, suggestions,...

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All for one, One for All

**All for one, One for All** By Ephemeral\_Dreams He has traveled far indeed, miles like the second hand. He has unraveled far and beyond, equipped only with his maimed hand. The unspeakable journey, insurmountable hills that he overcame. His...

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Taste of Fire: Thoughts of Hatred

_Here I am, here I am at last._ _The world knows me well, yet they look to my surrogate without recognition. I march over them as they plea for their lives, but I will have no mercy on the prisons of my souls. They are trapped in their ignorant husks,...

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Don Quixote Complex

I have heard a dying man sing out his last breath I have eaten fire, and drunk water I have watched our world be devoured, mountains, oceans, and all I have fought a great many battles with naught but words I have seen the face of unspeakable...

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