The Second Cycle: Chapter One

Alyx looked in the rear-view and smiled at sain who was sprawled in one of the rear chairs, "ah. hello sain, i was wondering where you went." "sup."

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You are the last one who is sain, so i have decided to send you to a place were you will thrive do not disappoint me young one i will be watching you from affair .**_ _( portal opens) know go and be free from this awful place young one._ 8

La nouvelle vie a Equestria: un nouveau depart

Puis elle se replongit dans sa lecture, elle continua et un paragraphe accrocha son attention « pour invoquer un être humain une licorne doit prononcé ses mots: que par le temps et l'espace, par ma magie qu'un humain au cur pur et sain vienne en se monde

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The Secret Life of Joseph Davidson

"hi, i'm jeremy and this is gerald and we're from the church of jesus christ of latter day sain-" "i don't care for your stupid religion- can't you go bother somebody else on this fine afternoon."

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Starlight Pack Chapter 4: Unexpected Gathering Part 1

"well i'm sorry i faced reality meg, having a bloodthursty demon inside you isn't as simple as you all might think, i have to keep my self saine everyday hoping it won't come out and kill one you!!!"

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Starlight Pack Chapter 3: Seeds Of Differences Part 2

I was trying to keep calm but that dream was playing over and over in my head so it was hard to keep sain. i dashed with all the power my legs could manage and i flew straight towards jake. i managed to grab his right leg. "now die!!!"

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Lilith: Origin of Succubi - Chapter 3

### **\<~\> Chapter 3** I kept walking for so long I lost track of time, it was still night out and I didn't really get any hints that the sun would rise any time soon. The path along the road was pretty uneventful until off in the distance I saw a...

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Lilith: Origin of Succubi - Chapter 2

**\<~\> Chapter 2** Now that I had a nice fire going I sat in the room and began to inventory all of the items I found in the backpack. Fortunately one of the first things I found when I was pulling stuff out was clothes. Oddly enough this guy had...

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Lilith: Origin of Succubi - Chapter 1

**\<~\> Chapter 1** It was dark when I opened my eyes. I was in some sort of rough stone building with unlit torches on the walls. I sat up, struggling with the weight on my chest. I looked down and saw two large cantaloupe sized breasts hanging from...

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The Fox's Master Ch. 3 -Unwanted Outcomes

Disclaimer: Lock the kids in the closet, If your eyes start to bleed it's not my fault, I know I have grammar issues so I don't need a reminder, go ahead and steal it if you want, not copywritten so I don't care. I hope you like the direction. Also,...

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The Fox's Master Ch. 2 -Fun with Mistress

Disclaimer: No kids, Don't get pissed off at my content, I'll try to edit the best I can but I'm not making promises on flawless grammar, and my story isn't copy written so I don't care if you steal it. Enjoy. "This way, mistress." Sasha waved. ...

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The Fox's master Ch. 1

Disclaimer: No kids, Don't get offended at any part of my story etc. etc., and I don't care if you steal it, it's not copy written so I don't care. Please, constructive criticism welcome. This is my first story, so I want input on how I did. Enjoy ...

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