Deathly Threats

He assured shayde that they could not be hurt, being dead, and wounds would heal. still, shayde was a little nervous, as he looked across the few feet to his father. unlike shayde, kibroy was entirely black, save for his blue eyes.

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Shadows In The Water Part 2

Xani on the other hand just wanted to snuggle with shayde after a long day of fighting a dragon and shayde just sat there in the cool breeze of the night air looking at her with a smile, xani was everything to him. "shayde? you in there?"

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The Fangs of Terror

This time the knight struck first at shayde with lightning speed, while shayde parried and dodged the attacks xani moved in from behind attempting to impale him only to see shayde get knocked out as he gave a full one-eighty degree swing slashing her chest

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Enter the Games

Looking up at shayde, he nodded his head with confidence, "oh yeah, now it's on!"

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Fair Winds

shayde and chains stood up then waited for the catch hooks to perform this stunt. the second the hooks descended shayde hooked one and chain did the same. with a shout the crew manned the pulleys began lifting the boat from the water.

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Folie a Trois: Part 6

"um, hey shayde. and zak." the vastly differentiated fur behind shayde gives a faint smile. "alright, now say like we practiced!" he picks the whale up to his feet and pushes him to the foot of the bed.

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Shadows In The Water

Sam it's me shayde!" "i thought i recognized you! who're these guys?" "oh their alright you can put him down."

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 45: Lazz's back-up plan and the Anonymous Wanghu!

shayde stated. "i know, i know, i know, i know!!!" rio shouted and began to roughly shake shayde back and forth from the shoulders. "gahh!"

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Folie A Trois: Part 4

I make it to my door and quickly make my way in, shayde entering in not too far behind.

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