Summertime Blues (Book7, Chapter6)

You'll see that sinopa and karla handle things very, very differently. it's partially cultural. back in karla's time, mourning wails weren't out of the question. sinopa handles things silently.

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SHIFT 008: Cold Bargain

sinopa understood what needed to be done. she charged the lone night that was visible. it reached out as a chain erupted from its own wrist aiming for sinopa's neck.

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Belly of the Beast (Act2, Book2, Chapter3)

She became close enough that sinopa could see her eyes glisten. "i miss konoe." sinopa narrowed her eyes. "he was a _boy_. he became bored of his first wife, and then neither of them gave him an offspring. he was a teenaged boy!

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Planning Period (A1, B1, C9)

sinopa cocked her head in a manner reminiscent of an animal. "what do you mean?" "sinopa, i own the research facility beneath marseille.

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Epilogue (Act1, Book2, Chapter20) FINALE

They were having a conversation about sinopa and jules. tamamo listened to their conversation briefly. she placed her paws against the glassless window, unable to pass through. "you have never met jules or sinopa.

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50 Shades of Karla (A2,B2,C12)

sinopa looked away. "certainly more so than me." jules looked from tamamo, in the mirror, back to sinopa then back to the woman in the reflective surface.

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End of the Beginning (A1, B11, C24)

sinopa had her back to rufus, lying on her right side, with her arm used to prop her head. despite rufus' lack of clothing, he was still covered in fur. sinopa was fully dressed.

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Only Fools Rush In (C5, Act1, Book1)

He turned back to sinopa and said, "sinopa-sama, what can you tell us about our future allies?" sinopa smiled inwardly. "you people are so much more fun in the modern era." she smoothed a fabric dune on the front of her skirt. she missed her kimono.

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Treats (Book7, Chapter13)

sinopa smirked at the portal, keeping her expression hidden from her sensei. "is that all he has told you?" tamamo approached sinopa and adjusted the bow-like sash at the small of sinopa's back.

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Free to Leave (Act2, Book2, Chapter5)

"heh, sorry, it's just really good to see that you're okay, sinopa. i was worried he might have tried to hurt you, that's all. so what was the artifact?" sinopa picked up her satchel and opened the top flap.

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Out of the Frying Pan (A1, B1, C8)

Karla turned back to chance and sinopa. the succubus cleared her throat and asked, "now what? those jerks are getting away." sinopa nodded.

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San Francisco's Finest (Act1, Book1, Chapter10)

sinopa offered nicky a smile. "your lady-friend seems familiar to me." nicky brought her cellphone to her chest and studied sinopa's face. "she shook her head in a slow, somewhat reluctant manner." sinopa nodded. "perhaps i am mistaken."

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