We nerded out over a mutual love of the new _star wars_, debated if toothless could beat smaug in a fight, and if wonder woman and conan would be friends or rivals. before i knew it, it was well after lunchtime. "oh crap, i need to head back to the lab.
Hurricane Kim Chapter 5
It's not like one of my other customers is smaug. won't your scales just cover it up anyway?"
Pictures In The Snow ( A DitD Christmas Story - A Writer's Portrait )
You have succeeded in changing the archetype dragon from tolkien's smaug to your valyrym.
Digital Warpath (violence not in yiff)
Tolkien gave smaug the wurm a weakness. waiting on the horizon like buzzing billboards made them perfect targets for the blowpipes. realizing that, he crouched down and raised the weapon to his shoulder.
Face Yourself
He was a simple and straightforward fellow, and a man of few words - all george had gathered from him was that his home of laketown had been destroyed by a marauding red dragon by the name of smaug, and that he sought revenge against all of dragonkind for