Get Crazy Like Sour Skittles (chapter four)

\*\*author's note- i appologize for these being so short, i promise they'll get longer the farther i get in the story. have no fear :)\*\* jade wakes up oddly happy. she doesn't open her eyes and pretends to still be asleep, not wanting this moment...

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Get Crazy Like Sour Skittles (chapter Two)

"Rise and shine ladies!!!" a loud voice pulses into jade's hotel room. The girls groan but get up, slowly getting dressed and stretching. Today is the day of the tournament. So they have to be at their best. Jade and radar follow the rest of the...

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Get Crazy Like Sour Skittles (chapter One)

that was about a year ago. her "sparing partner" is now her mate, and jade has only one complaint... "hey there kitten." illizia's voice rolls into her nack as his claws softly graze the soft fur of her sides. she shivers and tries to get away, but he...

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One of a Kind - Chapter 2 Explination and Exploration

sour... i... mmm... eeep!" she gasps in surprise as sour grabs her hand and tugs her up, dragging her back to her bedroom.

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Chapter 8 - Thyme After Time - part 21

sour-bee brewed a small pot of coffee, pouring a mug for himself and the doctor.

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One of a Kind - Chapter 4 Training

At lunch, sour was just curiously asking questions of her love, gauging the reactions... when the parting took shorter then normal, sour knew something... was bothering kari.

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Where Else to Turn (wip)

sourness: sourness is typically regarded to being acidic and unbearable to take at high concentrations. it is also however, very much welcomed for those wanting the unique chemicals inside it. most sours dull out to be sweet or bitter however.

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An Endless Voyage chapter 61:

"i like canid food though, you just need a bit of vodka and a good sour pickle after the raw foods. and sour cream." "thats something our two cultures have in common." karen said. "my people love sour cream and most of us love to drink too."

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One of a Kind - Chapter 3 Teacher's Pet

Hehe) sour - sour stands at almost a foot smaller then the bigger vixen, her figure is fuller and not quite as shapely at her friend's body.

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Sniff and Tell

This lizard stinks of sour, swampy musk, far stronger than a healthy person should smell, as if he hasn't washed in months!

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