Wildtouched Species Data

While wildtouched are immune to many human diseases because of this, speculation is that they may have their own diseases to cope with.


The Singularity

But there was gold to be mined from this mad mountain of speculation. they also said that, kept in the basement of the home that the singularity had made for itself, were ancient artifacts.

Burdens - Chapter 98: Possession

Another speculated that for such a big guy, under his garments might prove to be proportional to his size. another speculated the opposite. perhaps he was on steroids, she said. roger felt a pang of anger build up, but he kept calm.

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A Late Halloween Report

Until i have more information to indulge, this and possibly future logs will remain hidden as mere speculation.

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A Krystal Encounter Ch.7 Mysteriously Azure

If this is all that stood between me and seeing my family again, i could care less if they had to speculate on seeing another ufo for several years to come.


VigoRx - 1.1 - The Introduction

Observation continues, but i speculate that in twenty minutes we'll begin seeing physiological changes.""we're checking our new data sets against jean's earlier samples.

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VigoRx - Ch1p1 - Test Begins

Given the previous subject's growth, i'd speculate any exposure to the non-metabolized hormone is contagious, so any intake or mingling with body fluids should be avoided.

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A Bond Unbroken ~ Chapter 10

Rumors and speculation traded freely on just why the messenger stayed so long each time he delivered his missives, and why the scent of rut followed him on the way out.

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The Viridium Virus

I walked to the Whitlock facility from the past three You would have been surprised at how much security there was around this place. It was one of the greenest arcologies in the world - almost entirely covered in plant life of various kinds. I...

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Furries: The Musical!

(stomps meaningfully) \*pauses speculatively\* a mouse, living in our abode? would it be proper to flush him down commode?

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Jeremy 081; Washboard

The commentator stated that there was no spokesperson and speculated much as jeremy could have already guessed by the signs.

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Anthropia: The Crimson Eye Chronicles 3 (part 2)

Talon speculated still watching the door. "because i wanted him to find it" came a gruff voice, the group jumped and looked to where the voice came from.

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