Dress for Success
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a cougar, of medium build, dressed in a fine tuxedo much as evan and the other guests were.
Mikes first time...
Ben grunted drunkenly as he suddenly yanked at the waist band of his tuxedo trousers. struggling with them a moment, until he'd managed to free them from his cummerbund.
A Security-Oriented Perspective feat. Armitage
The large human, who stood almost seven feet tall, leaned further forward as the tuxedo strained around his chest.
The Cupid Club: Ch. I
There standing behind him was a handsome fox cub dressed in a tuxedo that made him look positively adorable.
You Only Live Large
Harry's tuxedo shirt slowly untucked itself and revealed his grey belly button. skinner cackled. _that's not all. watch skinner's eyes. he's into this._ "no," said harry. _yes!
Where are you taking me?
You wanna-" shane came out in a tuxedo with a rose in his paw, "we're going out tonight!" thomas smiled, "aww, that's great, hun! where to?"
Monday Meetings
The smaller rabbit's member shot a pulse of his cum directly into the tuxedo pants, and the subsequent jets sprayed down the front of them and the blanket.
Dran and Mist - Chapter One - Everyday Everything
He lined the object to face his destination, no pathway to enable passage he instead eased his way between the trees, "note to self: kill arc for requesting that i wear a tuxedo."
Inner Struggle-Chapter 9- prom nite!
After we picked up the tuxedos we stopped by "the studio" and kevin got his ear pierced. when we had him sit down in the chair he told her what he wanted.
Showing Solid Service (Male Version)
His body quivered, encased within the solidifying tuxedo. the latex trunks hugged his crotch tightly, keeping the dildo in his stretched and sore tailhole, and the chastity cage in its smooth latex bulge.
Earthquake's experience 1: baroness the spider Queen.
Then as they got to the bedroom, earthquake was taking off his tuxedo. "any questions before we go on?" baroness asked. "actually i got comments," earthquake replied while he took off his clothing.
A Squeak in Time - Chapter 02 - "Spotty Memory"
The tuxedo cat cursed herself for not bringing a weapon, but needle-sharp claws were the next best thing, if required. at the top of the stairs, her head toward the source of the noises.