Tribal Tendancies - Chapter 5

He didn't know what was going on but it seems he had become twitterpated with her. "i learned it from you. everytime you failed, even if i laughed, i watched you get up and try again, over and over and over. you didn't stop.

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My Coworker is a Werewolf: Chapter 1

"man, he's got you all twitterpated" she said. lilian smiled. "you have no idea how amazing he is" she said as she left for her room. "just be safe around him! the more you see him the bigger the danger!" haley teased. lilian rolled her eyes. "tch!

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Runeblade - 1

They were quite twitterpated over him. as night fell, he excused himself to check on tadita and spend some time attending to her himself.

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Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 2

Looking into each other's eyes like that...they twitterpated or sumthin'?" junior brought single finger to his lips to "ssh" his sister. "just watch and learn, wendy o. this should be good...." he said in a hushed tone.

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Two Weeks - 14 A New Stride

Alan was giggling, moaning too much and was too unfocused to care about his appearance, while mark was too twitterpated to notice a hair or hare out of place. building into a fit of giggles, he tried to speak, "sex!"

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Down to the River

She placed her hand tenderly over his and the twitterpation inside him ratcheted up a notch. "i didn't, no. did you?" for a moment her face took on a peculiar look, a flash of recollection mixed with curiosity, and then it was gone again.

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Tails of Power - A Small Kindness

She finally broke out of her twitterpation enough to suddenly notice that he had decent-sized marks of blood on his pants on the backs of his legs where the kitten's claws had penetrated.

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Pj and Pete chapter 21

The warm feeling however quickly turned cold when more loud creaking came from behind the twitterpated boy. "so much for enjoying the afterglow." the thickset boy bemoaned.

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