Iron Dragon Chapters 113-114
They had walked a little ways off from the humans and the velopians. "they understand our reasons, but in the end they will not let us get involved." inilth grumbled.
Iron Dragon Chapters 123-124
Derrain and evelyn lived on one of the worlds the velopians and elves shared. making the next stop good old earth, which most were looking forward to seeing again.
Iron Dragon Chapters 163-164
That whining scream of the velopian jet cars mixed with the ferocious growl of the big displacement engines, disturbing the usual quiet and tranquil city scape.
Iron Dragon Chapters 155-156
It would be equal to the velopian or gray battleships, though not nearly as capable as either race's capital ships and battle carriers. sharn traveled mainly on the most heavily armed and armored battle ship the velopians had.
Iron Dragon Chapters 177-178
"i was blown away with how you deal with the velopians and other alien races." winston said. "the velopians and most other races have dealt with my kind more than humans have.
Iron Dragon Chapters 137-138
"the velopians have been a great help in converting one of our ships to use the gray's deep space navigation.
Iron Dragon Chapters 153-154
The pleasant spring of the velopian world replaced by the warmer early summer of earth. both worlds rather similar, but different at the same time.
Iron Dragon Chapters 131-132
The velopian warriors quickly fell into close range squad combat. the four augmented female warriors made quick work of the lesser foes and a few dragontaur.
Iron Dragon Chapters 117-118
"mianth and dallarth are not velopians, they are dragons who work with the velopians. but yes the deer people you have seen on tv." nodrog chuckled. "so are you really as old as they say you are?" jocelyn asked. nodrog scratched the top of his head.
Iron Dragon Chapters 151-152
Mainly due in part to the very social nature of the velopians the dragons had themselves become a little more open.
Iron Dragon Chapters 141-142
Thanks to a velopian translator that was living on earth to aid in getting the crew trained for travel like this. the human ship traveled at half the speed the velopian cutter could so it was a two day voyage to the planet from the space station.
Iron Dragon Chapters 125-126
The velopians had gotten all of the notes and work related to the black blood project the grays and humans had been working on.