His night

She slowly approached with a bowling ball sized lump in her stomach. then she sees a lipstick on the windowsill. she was mesmerized by him as if he was imbued with a bewitching and alluring mystical energy.

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Something in the Water

Beneath his cock there were two bowling ball sized testicles straining against his scrotum. the entirety of his body was coated in a semi-thick jet black fur. "hmm... now where was that reservoir? i don't think i can hold it in anymore.."

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Stupid Cupid: First Reward

The bowling ball nuts churning with his next piping hot meal. it drove jerry insane with hunger and he felt his stomach cramp. he looked into eros' eyes, pleading for permission to worship his god. eros smiled. "yes, jerry, feast.

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Let's play a Game

The arcanines cock is also growing inside of the mightyena and is at least 3 feet long and his balls have grown to bowling ball size. then the arcanine cummed into the mightyena.

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Tumescitron 4000 - Week 2

His balls, normally the size of eggs, had swollen to the proportion of tennis balls... no, grapefruits... no, bowling balls! his sheath too had elongated and thickened, the change not confined to the dog's testes.

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Character bios

In the end, he just does his best, and tries to ignore how his dragonmakers feel heavier than a pair of bowling balls...

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Never Forget Where Easter Eggs Come From

The ovum's sizeable form bulged and swelled her neck, bloating it outwards as her muscles massaged it down like a snake consuming a bowling ball.

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Madkat Chance, Part 2 [COM/STORY]

All kinds of mayhem were unraveling around him: a kat who dropped a bowling ball on his foot and yelled in pain, but instead of a fracture, it just swelled and expanded.

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The Complex

So the guy upstairs wakes up after the sun goes down, and then it sounds like he's dropping bowling balls on the floor, or teaching elephants how to tap dance, or something.

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A Steamy Day at Hortonville High

Her breasts were like pink marshmallows filled to the size of bowling balls. "eek! optimus, i'm gonna cum! cum inside me, please optimus! harder!"

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The Edge of Space

The poor orbs felt like a pair of goddamn bowling balls... _click!_ at the top of vic's commlink, a progress bar appeared and began to fill up, slowly but surely.

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Soul Harvesters: Manual

A fully formed one is about the size and shape of a basketball and slightly heavier than a bowling balls. they must be placed in a space with perfect conditions for hatching, otherwise they'll spoil, rendering them useless, not even worth feeding on.

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