Stars of Time - Cynder's Condition

cynder?" spyro said once more, and he looked at each one of the dragons when he asked that, including the younger one, who flinched a bit.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 2: Fall from heavens

Portal was closing and cynder, spyro and sparx where still far away. "not now! please do not close!" cynder shouted with tears in her eyes. they fell like giant arrow with enormous speed yet they would never make trough gate in time.

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TLOS Legend of the black dragon Chapter 2 return to the return journey

cynder." spyro muttered already half asleep. "good night my love" she muttered before turning her mind at ease and finally allowed her tiredness take hold of her.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 6 a child's life

"good night cynder" spyro said as he lay down on the sheet "good night spyro" cynder said as she joined him.

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Chapter: 7 The Silence

Do you think you could do that while i go talk to cynder?" spyro raised his head to show the tears but slowly nodded as aaron pulled his duffle bag from behind the head rest and placed it on the bed.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 12 the participants

"good one there cynder" spyro shook his head to erase his daze as he got to his feet. "i'm sorry spyro" cynder lowered her head. "for what? hitting me?" he laughed as he moved the ball towards the front of the goal.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 10 preparations

"cynder" spyro said punitive. cynder signed "all right, sorry sparx" she did seem honest now "thank you" sparx said sarcasticly.

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Spyro and Cynder Ch.3

cynder: spyro? sparx: aaaahhhhhh!!!! spyro: wow, calm down sparx, she means us no harm- sparx: if you mean she, as the big black dragon of doom that tried to kill us then your not spyro!

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TLoS: A New Beginning Chapter 2

"corruption power cynder" salamander replied, cynder said, "that power must be very powerful to control salamander" salamander said "yeah it was powerful cynder" spyro said i think we should start heading back now" "yeah let's head back to the temple" salamander

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cynder x spyro love and lies ch.6

-cynder?..." spyro yelled aloud, his voice echoed around him into pitch black surroundings. he couldnt see anything. "chronicler?!" no echo anymore.

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 7)

"what is 'drunk' and why have not been affected you and where is cynder?" spyro asked, taking another sip on the hot chocolate. "well, getting drunk is when you drink to much of something that contains alcohol.

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 3)

"cynder, spyro, flame and ember, i know they have my permission to not come to this class." hypter said. "but didn´t you say this was urgent?" cyril asked.

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