RS: love chronicles vol 1: 6/6

However, adam jenson is the greatest hero of all; he saved our society from the illuminates clutches to send everything back to the dark ages..."

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Credo of Thieves, Part 2

Maybe the historians were right, and their 'magical artifacts' really did come from technology that got lost in a dark age!" "yeah, or maybe clockwerk's family was a bunch of aliens that left stuff all over the world for him to find.

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William C. Shaper's story

Shaper's story i am a wizard from the dark ages of earth's history and i am still alive many millennia later. back then it was important for a new wizard to make a spell of his/her own. i was daring enough to use the creation power as part of my spell.

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Asantrea - World, Concepts and Characters

The arahanic church was the most powerful entity on the face of asantrea for many centuries, giving rise to theocratic empires and instigating an aethyric dark age.

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Chapter Six - Initiation

They also created a large amount of bloodshed during the dark ages, during which a clan tried to wipe out the christians who hunted them years before. the hunting continued, though, well into the twentieth century.

My Thoughts on the "Reptilian Agenda"

Plus, add to all this the fact that some jewish families did kill their own children and then themselves to escape forced conversion during some of the darkest times of the "dark ages," combined with the overzealous rumormilling of some of the hierarchy

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CYOE - A Decision Needs Made

What i can tell you is that the world spiraled into its second dark age. humans panicked, and grieved, and became ill. another large percent died off. we started noticing that the animals were affected as well. they mutated into large beings.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1

A new dark age had come from that decree ushering in a regression of mentality. zealots, lobbyists and politicians backed the grand pope.

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 15

Back in the dark ages they almost wiped all of the followers out. the society was down to one or two man in each family line when we went into hiding. they rebuild since then, but in secret.

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Main hero (micheal), born into the dark ages in europe. average kind of guy. kind of a jerk, and decides to go raid some ancient temple-tomb-whatever in egypt. gets a gnarly curse on him by the jackle-god anubis.

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The Last Second

He'd been alive since before what was long ago labeled the 'dark ages' by historians, surviving in the background, laying low, not drawing too much attention.

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Chapter One

It was an old tactic for assaulting a dining hall, pioneered in the dark ages of civil strife by the wolfen chieftan gunmundur. strength flooded his body. the rage of his ancestors filled him.

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