Strip Search

This time, carl didn't yank him away, letting the dog get his full sniff in case these ferals really were drug-runners. his nose was pressed right up against isabelle's diaper, pushing against her underage spade.

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All along the watchtower

I figured it musta been the russians or something... or... or a drug-runner -- you know holly was saying they caught a smuggling ship, it wasn't two months ago off bandon?" "so that's what it was?" the akita settled back.

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Unnatural Selection - Ch 4: Behind the Eight Ball

The hindi drug runner named the elder boy shyam for his black-blue colouring and the younger ansin, meaning son of the graceful one.

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A Pale Flame Flickers

Tomorrow would bring hitmen much like tacitus, or drug runners or slave traders. taci had left his horse on the road a while back, as to not draw attention to himself.

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Halloween Special: The Thing

Freelance and created by the tribe of warlords and drug runners that called this place home. pulling up to a stop, peter checked his belt, finding the pistol there at the ready.

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Suffer the Children

Her police supervisor gave her free reign, even when she began breaking the arms and legs of the minor pushers and drug runners that the gang employed.

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You don't strike me as an evil mastermind or drug runner." my phone went off after a moment. i fished it out of my jeans pocket and checked my texts. there was a new one with no sender info. 'i'm a hacker.'

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Were-WHAT?, Chapter 2

It has a maximum security cell for drug runners or other criminals. i've got keys because i use it when i have to lock up someone, and the power is still on."

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I was a drug runner, and a rival syndicate came to get me, because they were after any member of our organization, and they found where i was easiest. i wasn't home though; just mom and will." niko didn't say anything.

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Fursonae X Machina: Episode 4 - Broken Wings

"tyrone was a ruthless drug runner whose only interest was destroying the lives of others for personal gain." she stated darkly while trying to gauge where sharon was amidst all the blazing guns.

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Epiphany Part 4

Now carbone is desperate to get some of his stock back and to find decent drug-runners... i figured it was a way back into his good books.

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"sometimes we get drug runners in here, trouble makers. i need someone who can investigate and eliminate the problem before anyone gets hurt." _ _ brian shrugged.

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