Silent Movie

Looking back, the leopard reached back, pulling matt into another firm and heated kiss while the fox fucked him from behind. the boys writhed on the theater seats, trying to make as little noise as possible.

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Sweetening the Deal - Part 7

The young wolf was infuriated to learn that karen had actually married that squirrel, the very creature who had paid her fox sex. his blood boiled as he got in his truck and headed out.

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Star Fox: Fox's Wet Dream

fox... fuck me..." in his sleep, he smiled.

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Kitsune I have Known - Rain and Calm

These were two foxes mating slowly, enjoying it to the fullest. they both seemed quite content. i must admit at this time i too was quite aroused.

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Wish List

His mind moved to the fox. fucking a fox in the rear, such a cliché fantasy but such a hot one. and being taken himself, he'd never had an actual cock in him but he so wanted that to change.

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Nickolas Smith Ch.1

#1 of the life nickolas smith the first part of a most likely short series about the life of fox. yiff will come but is missing from this part. i would greatly enjoy any kind of feed back even if your just telling me that i should stop writting. well anyways

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The Last Shemale Queen Cut Scene chp21

Pati choked on yanaba's pussy, but kept eating her out as the vixen fucked him. each time iko slammed herself in, pati's mouth was slammed into yanaba's pussy, and the effect was . . . delicious.

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Its lonely in space ch. 15

Oh who cares the sex bear shoved his massive tool into the cock slut that was the fox mating him like there was no tomorrow.

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The Toymaster

A sexy plump sun bears had such a friendly smile as she slowly ran an egg vibrator over the fox's sex. icepup wailed at the touch of the shuddering orb. smiles twisted the the egg and slowly pushed the point into ice's entrance.

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Amor: Far love.

"you taste so good my love" she said in soft murrs while getting up licking her own hands, "look at what you've made to me" she placed his hands on her vulpine sex that was soaking wet, "oh my, you're such a naughty and nice vixen" he replied while rubbing

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Hive Breeder

Subject: mikey miko phillips species: hive breeder (formally red fox) sex: female (formally male) age: 24 blood type: n/a occupation: former gun runner this is the record of inmate 153407-a445 micheal
