The Darkness

**The** **Darkness** Here it is again, The broiling, wroiling, deepest, darkest pit Seemingly endless, seemingly depthless, The bottommost place. My pitch black nemesis. I struggle away, stumbling, tumbling Only to return and tremble in its...

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Nothing too serious of course, you may experience insomnia, loss of hair, cravings or any other symptom really, i'm shooting in the dark here."

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The Darkness

_ **The Darkness** _ _Still darkness creeps into the heart_ _Of an empty soul alone_ _Edges of sharp veins in a hearth_ _To drive deeper the pain_ _Voices of songs past sing_ _Of joy and radiance beyond_ _Of a life without worry or...

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Dark Destiny - Prologue

Then something wrapped around my waist and my head, it was my mother was holding me close, hushing and calming me, she always was my little light in the dark, but when i looked up at her face, it was bloody and burned, i was scared...this couldn't

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Hero of the Heavens

PrologueDracul is in the underground door that leads him to the Earth Realm but the problem is that he can't open the door. He shape-shifts into many other shapes and forms to break the door open. The heaven were hidden from his attempt to free...

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I laid motionless on the bed unable to move as he stood in front of it. He moved the cigarette from his muzzle as he looked me over. I wanted to say something to him, but my throat hurt with each breath I took. The person in front of me was a wolf in...


IN THE DARK (poem re-upload)

the dark, does anyone exist in the dark?

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Corruption... Its all around us Corruption is in everyone. Me... You... Even your friends There are those that refuse to let the corruption overtake them. Then there are those that have already kneeled before it.



Music... The only way to escape the torture that is society. The only way to keep yourself from going insane. The only way to keep yourself from strangling someone out of anger! Music.... Is sanity


Jasper's Odyssey (C2)

Jasper shrugged, returning to the little man. "What do I have to do?" The man beamed up at Jasper. "An excellent choice, sir! And if you don't mind me saying, I think these will be perfect for you. Follow me." The man clicked his fingers and a panel...


Bunny, Lock, Dead

.Cold, lost, dead I am Forgotten, locked away are my emotions. I lie under my hill, six feet under. I see nothing but dark, surronded by worms. Locked away in my wooden cage held close by the dirt of my sins. A light, the soft brush of fur, the...
