Welcome to Dogwood

"'cause i'm done messin' around, ter. i wanna be closer to you. all the way." "now i know why you wanted to wait to tell me. i'm gonna be useless all day, wex, probably gonna have to rub a couple out during my breaks thanks to you.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 127

I don't want anyone messin' around where they don't belong." he scowled. "guess it's okay to show it off... since aren't revealing the location at least.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Four

"word of caution kid, stay away from those team rocket bad boys, they're not messin around when it comes to stealing everything other people have and then taking advantage of the ones already down.

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Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 12 - Honour

"'course, you should know about that," said eclipse, "damn fool boy; messin' around with things you don't understand...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 117

Always messin' around and breaking the universe." ryoko complained. "breaking the universe?" alicia asked. "how you do that?" serenity added. "hell if i know, but she's always doin' stuff like that. messin' with space-time junk and all.

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