Leafblade - Chapter 3

Leafblade By: Isaac Coyote Chapter 3: The Price Of Betrayal Rayac was still fuming inside by the time he reached the front doors of the manor. She clearly wanted to be alone with Tarin. She didn't have to do it in such a way that might as...

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Changing Tides

Disclaimer: This story contains a sexual encounter between two human males. If such a thing is not your cup of tea, or if it is illegal to view this material in your area, click the back button now. If you are of age and it is legal to view, or if...

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Chapter 2: A New Start

Monday found Chris walking down the sidewalk towards school. He dressed in his usual dark shirt and blue jeans with his wristbands around his wrists. He got a few funny looks from passersby since he wasn't wearing a jacket despite the chilly November...

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Enter Rayfall

Chapter 6: Welcome to Fyroduce City \*\*\* (Lacyus) Overall, the train trip was uneventful. Ennica and I had really gotten closer as friends. She stopped waiting for my every command and started acting more like a average girl. When we...

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OutFoxxed!! - Part 1

== OUTFOXXED: By Your Pursuer ================================ DISCLAIMER: Do you really want me to go thought all that legal stuff. Nah I didn't think so. So the following is yours to enjoy and comment on, and mine forf just about, everything else. ...

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Chapter 3 - Liek and the Crazy Killer

Author's note: Any reference to actual events, people, or places are just coincidental. "Liek" is pronounced as "leek" "Li'thel" is pronounced as "lee-thel" * * * Chapter 3 â€" Liek and the "Crazy Killer" Location â€" Valley High...

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Survival: Part Three

Just clearing some confusion before it even starts, this is not part three of Chapter two, parts one and two were chapter one, and this entry (part three) begins chapter two. \*\*\*\*\*\* Survival Chapter Two: Dance With Me Part 3 ...

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The Truth

Well it's been over a month, my break is up, and I have many new ideas, I can't wait to share them with you. Sorry it took so long, I got Civilization IV Colonization not long ago and played that for 4 days using up all my free time until I realized...

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A new life: Chapter 2

Okay, here is the second chapter. Please write a comment (you don't have to) Again sorry if it are any bad spelling\_...

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Yesterday was Rough

My day started as it usually does, me being up at 5am to run a few miles around the neighborhood. I loved the way the chilly air felt as the sun was rising. The change from sun-warmed fur to a cold, wind-swept coat was oddly intriguing. By the...

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Silverfox 04

Silverfox 04 Silverfox awoke with a jerk. She couldn't remember his name. She slithered from under him, which woke him up. "Good morning, babe," he yawned out. She mumbled a reply. She was always bad with names. She was already in an ugly...

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You can't beat Me

Chapter 1- "Go ahead. Try me..." A/N: Hi readers I know that I'm doing a story, but I'm going to taking a little break to get new ideas. So don't worry. So yeah, of to the first Chapter. I'll do chapter two, later. But yeah. This Story is short...

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