
Well hello little furries out there. Let's get one thing straight, I am Wolfie and I like to play games. Not monoply, not Scrabble, no no. I like to play games about life. So anyway. I am writing to you from this so called computer yet I will call this...

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Revalation 1: The Boring War

Red looked at lisha. He had grown bored of playing around in the secrecy of his crypt. He was going to bring his beloved plaything to the surface, to let her enjoy some time among her people. That had been the plan anyway... The scene around them...

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**Psycho Phantom** **_Prologue_** **_After the days of October 6thand October 7th, the assassin known as Sheridan had played his friends, slash, acquaintances in his attempt for murder. He has killed three out of the thirteen people he had trapped...

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The Lava God's Journey

The following story contains violence and bad language (on par with an action movie). Reader discretion is advised The Lava God's Journey Book 1 Chapter 1 I drifted through the nothingness for a great long time. I knew that I had come here, that I...

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Just pull the plug...(intro)

POP! BAM! CRACK! Marshal was getting beat down by 3 wolves...marshal was a tiger he was usually pretty tough but tonight he was drunk...other wise he could have taken them he was a strong and had white hair to match his fur he does not know his real...

Daemon Hunter Moushigo - Chapter 3

# _Daemon Hunter Moushigo_ ## _Chapter 3 - Hacker By: Mune Metsukai_ _Disclaimer: All characters are copyright Mune Metsukai. All characters and places are completely fictional, and should be viewed as such. This story contains...

Daemon Hunter Moushigo - Chapter 2

# _Daemon Hunter Moushigo_ ## _Chapter 2 - Meeting By: Mune Metsukai_ _Disclaimer: All characters are copyright Mune Metsukai. All characters and places are completely fictional, and should be viewed as such. This story...

It will be alright

It Will Be Alright-by SleepyTbone I wrote this half of this story playing Megaman Battlenetwork, and the last half listening to music. Err.......I hope you like it. I tried, I really did and I'm not expecting like a 10 on it, maybe a 2 or...

The Origin

Act 1: Bacon Vanquish, age 11. My last day on Orre and I'm on the biggest case that struck the whole continent by storm. I'm driving all the way to the docks, chasing after a madman molester of the Pokemon Anthros. You probably know Anthros are...

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Chapter VI, Wolves & Jackals

Chapter VI, Wolves & Jackals _By far I found that this was the most difficult chapter to write, I wanted to develop both characters in this chapter well without making them a simple stock character, I turned to Robert E. Howard for inspiration...

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Those who Walk In Dream - Beginings, Part 1

Note: The story starts with Minks's opening dialog, then when she falls asleep, jumps to Skie's, this will only occur once or twice in this story since it is a little confusing, however if you read carefully you can tell them apart as I put in things...

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The Poor Samaritan

The bull's fist missed my jaw by less than an inch. It played out in slow motion bursts, and not where I wanted to. It was the spaces during the pain that slowed down, the pain slipping through my body like shivers. Just my luck that the moments...

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