Vari Points of View and Mindset - Beta

Vari as a culture view very many things in a different light than their non-Vari sub-species. Such views can be seen throughout their day, and while not overly apparent, one can see them do things differently. Vari as a whole tend to be fairly...

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Lukas Sucks Your Dick In A School Bathroom [Sketch]

The otter grips your wrist and pulls you through the swirling tide of other students, his blue eyes bright and ears perked. His anticipation, his _excitement,_ are both clearly visible to you in that gaze: he looks back over his shoulder at you again...

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Splintered Light, Chapter 5.4: Point of View

Splintered light chapter 5.4: point of view instruction had never been one of calus' greater skills. he learned quickly and his lack of patience made it hard for him to teach someone who didn't; archibald lews was a good example of someone who didn't.

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Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 5

Baxley was shocked as to where he was when he looked around and saw torches. . "Patience, all will be revealed", he heard a female voice say and looked around to find it. The fox was in astonishment at the sight before him. A female panther was wearing...

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Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 4

Baxley had gained somewhat of a rest from his beating and when the cell door opened he just laid there, not even bothering to give the effort of standing. "Wake up, fox, you have a dinner date with the boss", growled the lion who had beat him earlier....

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Hunting Shadows Baxley's point of view part 3

Baxley woke with a start and he sat up and looked around franticly. He was in a cell with only a bed and toilet. The fox stood up and climbed into the bed to sit on the edge of it. "Fuck, my head hurts", he said, rubbing it. "I wonder where Onyx is." A...

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Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 2

Baxley looked out the window and watched as the landscape went by. They had lost the men that were chasing them and looking for place to hide. He wondered where Onyx was taking them. The car slowed a little as it turned. "So, who are these guys, and...

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Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 1

Baxley stood in his basement with all his weapons stacked on racks. He stroked the curved handled fishing dagger Onyx gave him fondly and started thinking about how his life was going so far. 'No more running from soldiers or guards. No more of getting...

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Ixen story, a different point of view from Tharivol

The girl was taken aback, frighten even. It was like she has never seen someone like her before. The little girl was staring at a half dragon. A half human half dragon combination anyway. This half dragon has purple hair...

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Geronimo's Slutty Incest Adventure (Thea's Point of View)

This is from thea stilton's point of view, but there's also another story on my page where it's the same story but from geronimo stilton's point of view. enjoy! thea stilton did not have a man in her life but wasn't actively looking for one.

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Geronimo's Slutty Incest Adventure (Geronimo's Point of View)

This is from geronimo's point of view, but there's also another story on my page where it's the same story but from thea stilton's point of view. enjoy!

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The Rush

**The Rush** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ ** ** The sled team shivered. Fresh snow fell in Dawson, ignorant of the exhausted and pad-sore team, which limped to their sleeping spots. The mail run had been wearying, but it was...

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