An Unexpected Diversion

The human that he had been had disappeared under layers of latex, instead what sat there on the couch was truly a rubber snake.

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Silvercobra Chronicles - First Contact

It didn't stay there long however, latex 'snakes' over a foot long and thick as his wrist formed and began to slither their way towards him. his panic mode increased tenfold as the first latex snake reached him and began to climb up his leg.

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Two Halves, One Confusing Planet P2

Still, they wrapped up the latex snake's body in a sheet, his stomach now pushed out to where it rested on his hard cock that they tried to cover up the most.

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Snakeskin - First Gift

His cock was already hard as a rock and only seemed to get harder as he pressed the cool latex snake condom against it. there were a few seconds of anticipation, even though it was merely a toy it was the first real admittance of his other side.

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Worth Two in the Coil (1/2)

The sensation was similar to when he had first been converted by the rubber snake that had been meant for arbedark in the first place.

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Multi-Level Droning Scheme

Yes, marcus thought to himself while in the throes of pleasure, he was a rubber snake drone.

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Latex Rattlesnake (Part 1)

At first, eve wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, but when the rubber snake leaned in and kissed her deeply, her soft, rubbery tongue danced around in eve's mouth. her mind went blank and the fear left her body.

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Town of Xiir'ah: Moving In

I quickly slithered to the mirror and saw a latex snake with arms and wings. "nice body, huh?" an unknown, yet familiar female voice asked. i looked around to see who it is. the voice is from someone from high school.

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A lusty stallion's guide to scoring in 'Football'

Kirk couldn't hide a sudden surprised blush as his half erect member jumped out of his falling underpants like a pink and black rubber snake and drooled little droplets of horse juice onto the tiled floor.

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Snowbound Stream 1: A Non-Negotiable Contract

As the rubber snake began to slide and coil around every inch of the human's form it seemed eat away at his clothing until the human stood there naked, but he was too lost in his own visions that renzyl was feeding him to care.

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Mad Bull Tales - Greenskin

The green rubber snake wasn't gigantic, that would have rendered vinden catatonic, but it was as big a decently sized python.

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Windfall: Blow-in-the-Dark

When rubber snakes dropped down from the ceiling, kylie jumped, but managed to laugh. when a creature with a mishmash of predator traits prowled past, she grit her teeth until her jaw hurt.

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