Beginnings: The Matriarch's Daughter - Part 1

"no, but i could make an educated guess..." despite her aching ribs, onyeka managed a chuckle, though it sounded a little more forced than she would have liked "considering that i'm still shackled to a fucking chair i suppose that means you're not letting

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Vulpine Methodology

He pulled against the rope keeping him tied to that fucking chair again and again. "alistair, please! be reasonable! i will apologize! i will talk to lord gregor when he arrives! i'll make him see reason, i'll sway him towards acceptance of foxes!"

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Perks of Personal Protection

The rhino curled his fingers into fists now, desperate to push himself out of his fucking chair--he was starting to get more motor control, but he wasn't in full command of his body yet...

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Geth Primed and Ready

Leika remarks as she has not stopped looking around for anything to use against the machine, _"stupid bloody dumb ass fucking chair bolted to the damn floor,"_ leika thinks.

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Problem Child Part One (Echo Visual Novel Fan Fiction)

I want to uppercut him over the back of his fucking chair. but i just sigh and wrinkle my nose, like he's not worth my time, and sit back down. donnie gives me a knowing smirk, and it takes everything i have not to launch across room at him.

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Epiphany Part 3

"oh don't bring that up, geezer, or i'm going to tip you right out of that fucking chair." carmen said flatly, and galleon laughed in delight...and this time, it didn't break into coughing as he smiled warmly around at the others.

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