Metamorphosis Idol
He tried to roll onto his six arms but the liquid he was sweating was already so glue-like that his back was stuck to the floor! it kept coming out, thickening and hardening more and more.
Surface (Chapter 1)
It felt like a maze she was being experimented on in, the bus station a whale having swallowed up a six-armed female jonas and slowly digesting her in its stream of humanoid antibodies.
The Demon's Dragon
# greydrone leaned back against one of the trees near the edge of the dragon's cave, the six-armed incubus tapping his foot as he waited.
Parasite Story: The Demon's Dragon
# greydrone leaned back against one of the trees near the edge of the dragon's cave, the six-armed incubus tapping his foot as he waited.
Hot Salt Springs
Greydrone, a powerful, six armed demon, was reclining in a tub. his dark grey skin looked wet and slightly oiled up, shimmering beneath the torches hanging on the walls, and from the red tattoos that ran along the grey flesh.
Foot Fetish Story Stream 11: Hot Salt Springs
Greydrone, a powerful, six armed demon, was reclining in a tub. his dark grey skin looked wet and slightly oiled up, shimmering beneath the torches hanging on the walls, and from the red tattoos that ran along the grey flesh.
Valkyrie - Book 2 - Chapter 1 - Night (Re-edited and Reworked)
The shipyard was unusually shaped like a spider which was designed to stretch out over large capital ships, holding them in place with the six arms.
Beau - Chapter Seven
six armed men with machine guns, and i'd taken them out in a flash of silver-plated bullets. a deep, rolling laugh escaped me as i threw my head back and squeezed the bloodied and mangled arm of the doberman.
New Found Filaments
Six of them to match her six arms. tears leaked from her largest eyes, she felt so good, so horny, so sexy, she had to climax, but her body just wouldn't.
Remembering Loss
As the last pitiful invader, a marilyth (six-armed snake women, a favored consort amongst some demons) fell to the floor in several pieces kree nodded. "rally the troops, razr. it is time to end this charade."
Prisoner of the Yellow Sign – Part 2
Passing strangers smiled at them both without comment as two used a long-bladed knife to unpick the thread that has sutured the flesh of six's arms and legs to the wheelchair's upholstery.
Rocket's Day at the Pool
Scrambling off the chair where he'd been lying face down since a gorgeous fluffy alien who had looked something like one of earth's lionesses, only with six arms and eight eyes and mandibles... well, okay, maybe she looked more like a spider than a lioness