Mojave Redemption - Part 1

Jacob stood in silence, his eyes wide, too stunned to speak. The young wolf wanted to whimper, to cry at the loss of his parents and his bleak fate, but the bleak landscape before him killed the sound in his throat. He stood on a rock outcrop with the...

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Mojave Redemption - Part 12

"Ah crap." Jacob said under his breath as he stared through the binoculars at the raiders in the distance, their images blurry in the midday heat, running pell-mell down the road towards him and Sarah. "What?" Sarah asked from next to him, ducked...

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 5

He was glad that his arduous trek through the wasteland was coming to an end, but at the same time he possessed growing apprehension at the thought of living in a city.

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 4

Somewhere in the back of his mind a voice reminded him drinking alcohol in the wasteland was a bad idea; but he didn't care, nothing fucking mattered anymore, now that he realized that he himself had caused all this with his own sheer idiocy.

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 3

Jacob wondered what the hell had made that noise, or if he was just losing it, when out of the silence that had followed the "thump"s came an equally faint whistling sound, this time from above. Jacob sat there thinking he must finally have lost his...

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 6

He explained how he prepared to head to new vegas and his journey through the wasteland, his capture by the humans of the fort and meeting joshua and the other captive morphs.

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The Lion King Old Stories of the Past 7

Night was approaching rather quickly than expected, everyone was getting ready, the pridelanders and the wastelanders, cheers from the pridelanders and roars, from the only two lions left in the wastelands as well as the jackals.

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In the Mojave: Chapter 3

Remus smelled a scent similar to the wasteland he had come to know as home. it was distorted, old, but still there. when he looked up, there was an elderly looking human, standing in the doorway.

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But change is inevitable, and the wastelanders were long overdue for it.

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